Friday, July 1, 2011

What Part Does Attitude Play In Life?

I'm a Pollyanna. My husband can't believe I've survived for so many years. How does a cock-eyed optimist keep smiling for over 50 years?

If I think back, there have been a few times when I have been ripped off. But every time I've managed to pick myself up and start afresh. So looking back, it's true to say my whole experience of life is determined by my attitude. Because I'm an optimist, I don't remember the nasty things people have done to me - so they don't influence my reactions now, or my vision of the future.

Compare that to the pessimist, who tends to remember all the bad things in life instead of the good times. Faced with a crisis or a problem, that person is more likely to worry about the worst possible outcome, whereas I'll hope for the best. We've all heard that you're more likely to get what you focus on, so the person who thinks only of the worst outcome is more likely to get it!. Because I'm hoping for the best, I'm more likely to make efforts to ensure the best is what happens.

Of course, that could mean I'm sadly unprepared if the worst does befall! However, thanks to my attitude, that doesn't happen as often as it might otherwise.

So, attitude not only determines how you experience life, it also determines your actions, and therefore can affect the course of your life. The question is, is our attitude fixed or can we change it? Can someone who is naturally'glass half empty' change their natural bent? I think they can. One's attitude to life is tied up with one's sense of self. In my view, dance training has made a huge difference to my self-esteem and therefore my view of life. I see it often in belly dance class - it's wonderful to watch shy, hesitant women blossom into confident dancers, and with that confidence comes a new outlook on life!

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