Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Emotional Healing - A Basic Understanding

It's easy to get confused about emotional healing. So often we suffer from emotional pain and we can end up believing it's because of what we refer to as 'bad' emotions. And we'd feel better if we could figure out some way to stop feeling those bad emotions.

In reality, this is the exact opposite of emotional healing. It's actually what causes emotional pain to begin with. You see, emotional pain comes from blocking off the flow of emotion.

Here's the thing: you only have one pathway for all your emotions to flow through. So when you try to shut out the hurt or the fear or the anger, then you've just blocked the flow of all your feelings. And the more you block the flow the less you'll feel of love and happiness and joy and wonder and anything else you might want to feel.

It compares to a pipe that carries water. You've got the cold water in the same pipe as the hot water. Let's say you decide to not feel the hot water. You're afraid of getting scorched. So you start turning off the flow. But the hot and cold water are in the same pipe. So as you shut down the hot water, you're also blocking the cold water.

That's the first problem.

The second problem is that your heart wants feel, but you're not letting it. The job of your heart is to feel all your feelings. By restricting those feelings from coming into your heart, that also creates pain.

Why? Because pain comes from a separation from, and a longing for, some thing. In this case, it comes from the separation of your feelings from your heart. This will create pain.

The third problem is the unfelt feelings have to go somewhere. They don't just disappear into outer space. They don't just fade into nothingness. No. They stick around. They end up creating a lot of irritation and aggravation as they surround you.

The fourth problem is that you create a wall around your heart when you block the flow of your feelings. You end up using your own thoughts and feelings to close off your heart. It's like when you cut yourself. It's the blood itself that forms the clot, to stop the flow of blood.

But in this case, that clot, or wall, or barrier becomes the actual source of pain. It forms a little pain factory. A lot of the emotional pain you experience actually comes from this wall. Because it consists of the thoughts and feelings you blocked to begin with!

The difficulty with emotional healing comes from these four reasons. We believe we need to cut off the flow of emotion even more to heal ourselves, but that's the actual source of the problem. The answer is to go the exact opposite route.

Allow your heart to open even more! Feel everything and anything that comes up. That's how you heal. Or rather, that's the overview. There's many other secrets and techniques available to help you. For example, much of what you feel isn't real emotion. Rather, it's a fabrication of artificial feelings and mental constructs.

Pain is created from these imaginary feelings. Healing emotional pain involves ending those imaginary feelings so you can get to what's real. That's how to end the pain. That's how you can start feeling whatever you want to feel.

And there's an awesome resource available to you. For common-sense and practical advice on exactly what it takes to improve how you feel, go to this site on emotional healing.

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