Friday, July 8, 2011

Looking In Calgary For Great Spiritual Counseling Offers

Looking in Calgary for great spiritual counseling offers? If you are looking for a counselors look for one with lots of experience and tools. I think that spiritual counseling Calgary is best found with Daniela at I’ll tell you more about Daniela in a second.

If you are looking to grow spiritually, and you are not sure which way to go for spiritual counseling Calgary, than perhaps it is time to get a spiritual counselor.

Why do you need one? Because most counselors are very helpful and knowledgeable. They have lots of experience and wisdom. But what makes them so good? Because most of them have been through the mill already. They started exactly where you are right now.

Great spiritual counseling Calgary is found in someone who is not just academic, but also practical. What do they use? They have tools like meditations, energy systems, different techniques, new and old, like Tibetan medicine, they might use physic psychology, shamanic techniques, ecology of thought, aura balances, binaural beats, and much more. Daniela uses all of these tools and she works out of her home for private spiritual counseling Calgary.

A great thing about her service is she will work one on one with you, even for seminars. This is a great way to help anyone with their spiritual development. She is a great spiritual guidance counselor, and shes has lots of experience and knowledge.

It is paramount that your counselor has the right credentials. Take a look at Daniela's experience:

Grand Master degree
Shamballa-Reiki (Learned through Brunhilde Lemper
Karuna Reiki® (registered teacher)
Violet Flame Reiki (Learned through Argante, Berlin, Germany)
Komyo Reiki Kai (Learned through Karel Putz)

Shamanic Healing:
Professional Aura Balancer
Soul Hunting and Shamanic Healing Dance
Ama Deus Shamanic Healing (Learned through Pamela Jordan from Irland)
Runa Energy

Secrets of the subconscious (Learned through Dr. Ludmilla P. Trojan from Moskau)
Gratitude (Learned through Dr. Ludmilla P. Trojan from Moskau)
Information streams (channeling, talking to spirits) (Learned through Dr. Ludmilla P. Trojan from Moskau)
Money and Business
Becoming younger and loosing weight - (Learned through Marina Benner based on the teachings of A.S. Vartanian)
Reincarnation therapy (Jameison) (Reincarnation therapy-Learned through HP A. Klieme Theta Healing Practitioner

Other Energy-Healing-Systems:
Violet Crystal (Learned through A. S. Steuernthal)
Magnified Healing® (registered teacher) (Learned through A. S. Steuernthal)
Energy-Grid Activation
Tarot and Lenormand Reading (Learned through Ilona Raufer)
Face Reading (Learned through Herman Müller)
Fire Serpent Attunement. My big tip: looking for spiritual counseling Calgary go to Daniela at

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