Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Some False Impressions About Becoming a Successful Millionaire

People generally figure that becoming wealthy like millionaire success mentor Marshall Sylver is impossible. You may not be able to imagine the possibility, because a seven-figure income is beyond anything you have ever seen. Many people haven't ever met even a single person with a seven-figure income.

This demonstrates the key point in finding a mentor. We weren't taught to be free thinkers, to seek to broaden our sense of what we can accomplish and to expand in incredible ways. Instead, most people were taught to play it safe, to find a stable job and make do with an okay life.

Marshall Sylver offers much, much more. He teaches his students to strive for financial independence. The thing to consider, then, is "How about if you want more?" How about if you want to break free from your normal life and create a life that's amazing? For this to happen, you need to move into unknown territory.

You probably figured out from experience that it's unwise to venture into unknown territory without a roadmap. If you are determined to become highly successful and prosperous, it's also unwise to venture toward new levels of success without a guide. A wealthy success mentor can lead you into beautiful places you never even dreamed about because you've never been there. You may not even know anyone who has been there.

3 Misunderstandings About Being a Successful Millionaire

To succeed and prosper, just about everyone has to cope with this type of thinking.

1. It's impossibly difficult. To this, Marshall Sylver responds that becoming a millionaire is not hard, but it's different.

2. You haven't got the time. People who are working more hours than they would choose to work can't imagine how they could do what it would take to earn a millionaire's income. Building on the idea that it's not hard, but it's different, {you first have to adjust your strategy. Instead of thinking about exchanging time for dollars, millionaires exchange value for dollars. By producing something with a lot of value, you can earn much more money in much less time.

3. You aren't special enough. If you believe that millionaires are clever, more educated, or come from certain kinds of families, think again. The fact is that individuals who have lower intelligence, less education, and lower social status are in just as good a position to become wealthy as "more gifted" people. And this is just the beginning. If you believe you can, you can.

The Whole Truth About the Value of a Seven-Figure Success Coach

The fact of the matter is that we live in a friendly universe. If you are seeking a greater life, you can have it. You have an inherent connection to an infinite intelligence that wants you to have everything you could possibly want to live fully even more than you do. A millionaire success mentor can help you to shift your current ideas about who you are, what you are capable of, and what you can do.

Wanting more is normal and good. You are here to be fully alive and grow. Maybe some not too successful and not too wealthy people you know think it's unrealistic to think you can dramatically change your present situation. But do they really know? If you want to hear the real story, you need a wealthy success mentor like Marshall Sylver. Connect with someone who has the experience to help you to do what you long to do.

Want to Read More?

You can find out about Marshall Sylver and Get Rich Radio, where you can earn scholarship dollars as you study with a master.

Also, if you want more keys for getting rich, discover Wallace Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich.

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