Monday, July 4, 2011

How To Become a Christian; And Discovering A Lifetime Of Freedom

While sitting at the stop light a little while back, I couldn't help but see the bumper sticker before me that read; God Save Me From Your Followers! At first, I was taken back and as a Christian (follower of Christ), I was fairly upset. I think it is a reasonably impolite, illiberal point to send out around the world on your rear bumper of the automobile. In a moment, however, this offense faded to sadness as I actually came to the realization that probabilities were great the actual frustration or animosity lurking behind those words have been almost certainly preceded as a result of some substantial pain or even wounding, caused through somebody who claimed as being a follower of Christ.

I will be the first to acknowledge this, many of us that profess to know Christ and have a personalised relationship with Him, are sad to say, often, a few of the worst testimonies to a most incredible God. What many of us forget to comprehend often is this : people are imperfect sinners, just like everyone else, requiring a Savior, however we've been transformed by way of His capacity to be salt and light to the desperate world.

The primary difference relating to Christians and those who aren't, is they now have chosen to obtain the actual forgiveness along with grace offered by God, by belief in the Son. At that moment, they will are a brand new creation in Christ, together with the Power of God now available to them to become ever more just like Him while they develop fully throughout their Christian walk. This being a decision, many evidently decide not to pursue this mission and instead would prefer to live life on their personal conditions - therefore this bumper sticker.

My genuine apologies to people who have been wounded somehow by means of Christians. That is a really travesty and I understand this grieves the heart of God. Please remember, although, that certainly not All of that lay claim to be Christians truly are, but in making that claim they certainly do a good deal of harm to His name. Should a person be persuaded to give up on God or even write Him off on account of what you've witnessed in Christians, may I actually propose that you investigate the Bible, particularly the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and also I Corinthians 13. It is there you will realise the actual love of God close up and also personal. Jesus Christ, the actual Son of God (along with God Him self), comes upon this scene of this shattered, needy world to be able to heal the actual sick along with save the lost. His love was unparalleled and unconditional. God was a servant as well as a Savior, full of kindness, empathy, grace along with mercy.

Just what God offered to the lost and suffering over two thousand years in the past, God offers today, forgiveness, healing, restoration, a life truly worth living plus the assurance of eternal life with Him eternally.

Thus, how might one embark on the actual process with accepting a relationship through God?

Jesus Christ asserted in John 14:6 I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through Me.

Or in other words, its impossible for you to join into an absolute relationship with God apart from trusting in the actual death along with resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. (You actually can certainly examine much more about that within the book of John in the Bible.)

You should begin with acknowledging the truth on God the Son and just what God requires. After that, need to believe as well as confess the things you believe.

Romans 10:9 states, if a person confess with your mouth Jesus Christ as Lord, as well as believe in your own heart that God raised Him from the dead, you can be saved.

Your next aspect will be to repent of your sin. Sin is actually living life an individual's way, not God‚Äôs; thinking an individual don't need to have Him and also life's absolutely good without having Him. You have a throne‚ within the actual center of your own heart occupied by way of someone. Without Christ, you actually are upon the actual throne, where you reign in your sinfulness, pride plus rebellion. Becoming a Christian means taking you off the throne and inserting God there instead. You seek God pertaining to forgiveness and invite Him to actually obtain His rightful place as Lord of your life.

Such a gift of mercy, forgiveness along with promise involving everlasting life, can’t help but cause a grateful heart therefore sing. Hence give Him your praise and thanksgiving God is worthy of, for ones recently found salvation.

Growing, becoming more like Christ, is a vital component of your Christian walk. This takes place while you spend time in the Word, the Bible, daily. Start by studying the book of John. The Bible is God’s living Word. It is relevant as well as purposeful to every component of your life. The more you comprehend the actual Word, the greater you know God and also what exactly God has designed for you personally.

Join a nearby church at which God’s Word, not man, will be the focus. Being around some other Christians will likely to be encouraging as well as help you to remain strong with your brand new belief.

Pray frequently. Prayer is just uncomplicated conversation with God. No fancy words or heavy thoughts are required. Using God’s very own Words and praying these back to Him is usually a powerful along with uplifting method to pray.

As a final point, take pleasure in your salvation. You haven't joined any religious organization, but have entered into an intimate relationship with your Creator designed to transform your life always and forever!

To discover more about pursing an intimate relationship with God and experiencing His love that will that will lead you to a life of freedom go to: How To Become A Christian

How To Become A Christian

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