Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Is The Fun Of Gaming

Since they first hit the market video games have been the favorite of children as well as adults. Sales of gaming supplies seems to grow every year. The amazing part is that gaming transcends people of all ages.

Kids have always played games of all kinds. There is nothing that seems to stop a child from learning how to have fun with something. It is enjoyable to find something that is able to entertain people. Video games attraction is that they are full of action and three dimensional in nature, they can be played alone, have fascinating graphics, and are fast paced and when a person considers the different gaming consoles like the xbox 360 kinect, the Nintendo Wii, and the Playstation move, the way that we enjoy playing games is constantly evolving and will be sure to provide a person with even more excitement in the future.

Because of the growing nature of the business and with the excitement that was generated by the recent xbox 360 kinect release date it is a good time to look at the reasons that people are playing video games and what keeps bringing people back to the screen for more.

1) The thrill of playing is both mental and physical. Many games call for quick decisions and reactions to be successful.

2) Video games exercise the eyes. There have been a lot of studies backing up this claim that shows this benefit of gaming.

3) Video games help a person’s body shape. You have to get up and move to play the newest generation of platforms and that is always good for your body.

4) Kids who play video games often do well in school. For kids who struggle in math, playing games can help. Gamers have to learn how to think to excel at many games.

5.) Playing games will allow a child to get away from reality. Children are able to comprehend the flow of a story as well as its bases. A person playing games can get excitement that they could not find elsewhere. By slipping into a fantasy world a person can become someone that before was just an image in their mind.

6) Gamers have to think in new ways. Many games require a person to plan what they are going to do before they execute it.

7) You can learn real life things when paying. Games can be based on historical situations or scientific theories that will pass along some knowledge as they are played.

8) There are many games that will help a person use their mind to figure out what to do next. It is something that will help a youngster with many things throughout their entire life.

9) Gamers will learn how to focus better and improve their reflexes. Kids can concentrate on a screen while they play. They learn to block out other distractions that surround them.

10) Gaming improves social skills. People learn to play as a group. They learn how to compete against others fairly. They also play games that teach them how to cooperate with each other to achieve a goal.

There are groups out there who espouse the evils of playing games. It is okay to disagree. They help the kid’s process information faster and to take decisions rapidly. Any time a child succeeds at anything they should be praised. Kids will be able to take the good parts of video games and use them when they are older. When used properly children are able to receive many benefits from gaming. Just like most things, an excess is not healthy. Kids especially have to understand that there is more to life than the video game they are playing. Gaming should be a part of a person’s life. It should not be everything.

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