Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gaming Platforms Are Good For People Of All Ages

Gaming systems are not the same as they used to be. Now, people are using their bodies as controllers. The new gaming devices have found unprecedented popularity, including among senior citizens. Retirement homes have found many benefits to the new gaming systems for their residents.
Because the new games are very interactive, seniors use them to bring each other together as they get moving. Many senior facilities have found that motion gaming is a good activity for seniors to enjoy. Game systems like the Nintendo Wii, The xbox 360 kinect and the Playstation Move have brought out the competitive nature of the senior citizens and video gaming tournaments are regularly held between different senior centers and while he majority of the seniors at the community centers love motion gaming they occasionally get frustrated with the controls because they forget which button to push or are unsure about how to play some of the games. But once that is overcome, they often enjoy the physical activity that comes with these games.
While many gamers have become very excited with the recent xbox 360 kinect release date, many senior citizens have become loyal to the Nintendo Wii which has been around for many years and this is because it allows a player to interact with the gaming system using a remote control and various other devices to simulate playing familiar sports such as tennis or bowling. By playing these new platforms a person can get the physical activity they need which is not the same as the video games that they played when they were kids that only were good for very few parts of their body.
People have been using technology to help get them moving form many years. But with motion gaming a person is able to exercise in a new way. People are able to become a part of the action of the new video games. Before the television had a person who was acting out and all a person could do was to follow along. Now they are the person on the screen. Senior citizens have been able to use these games in rehabilitation as well as for general physical activity.
The motion gaming systems work a person’s mind as well as their body. Senior citizens often face many problems with their mind and scientists believe that these issues are lessened when a person can exercise their mind and body through video games.
The good things that these games can do has been noticed by the people who make them. Games are no longer designed for younger users alone. It is no longer just the young gamer who can find something fun to play. Manufacturers have also made some of the games easier for people to play to attract this market.
The first video games appeared over forty years ago. People who were gamers back in the seventies are still playing games. Because it was a childhood activity, the older generation is not worried about learning something new. The only thing that is different is how good the platforms have become.

People feared that their kids were glued to a screen for too long when they played video games. People worried that playing games would cause people to be less active and could lead to many physical problems. Today’s gaming world is making that opinion obsolete. People are now getting up and moving around to play. Young and old alike are finding out that it is fun to be a part of the game.

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