Friday, February 18, 2011

If You Thyroid Does Not Work You Are Not alone

Having a problem with the thyroid is more common than a person might realize. The symptoms of low thyroid condition include weight gain, fatigue, sleeping disorders, anxiety, depression, allergies, skin problems and constipation problems which can greatly affect your everyday quality of life and if left untreated can lead to other problems that must be dealt with, but that does not mean that a person can not do things that will help lessen or eliminate the symptoms that a person is dealing with.

Hypothyroidism, or inadequate production of thyroid hormones, is the most common thyroid problem. In this condition a persons thyroid is not capable of producing the amount of hormones that their body needs. Because of the lack of chemicals a person’s body slows down and leaves a person feel like they are dragging throughout their daily lives.

Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can cause a body to have too much or too little of the hormones that control the metabolic function in our systems. The thyroid needs iodine to make the chemicals. When a person is not able to regulate the production of the hormones a person will suffer from the problems that come with a over active or under active thyroid, By doing some blood tests a person can find out if their thyroid is not working as it should. By combining the results of the blood work with a patient history and a thyroid scan a doctor can determine what is causing the thyroid to work improperly.
Thyroid activity involves several hormones, including T4, T3, and TSH. If the thyroid is not creating enough of the T4 hormone it is considered to be underactive. A person’s body naturally controls the levels of hormones through the pituitary gland and the production of thyroid stimulating hormone. This hormone is responsible for telling the thyroid to get iodine from a person’s blood. The iodine is used to produce enough T4 to restore adequate hormone levels in the blood.

Treatment of a thyroid problem is a life long affair. A person will have to follow some regimen that can include a pill that has a synthetic T4 hormone that takes time to determine the dose that a person needs and can be used in conjunction with a low thyroid diet pills and other types of holistic medicine approaches to help a person deal with the lack of energy and other aches and pains that a person has when their thyroid is not working properly. Children require larger doses than adults do. People with heart conditions can aggravate their condition by using this therapy. When a person is first diagnosed with the problem they will have to take some time to figure out what the proper dosage is for them to control their thyroid. Yearly evaluations should follow to ensure that a person is keeping their condition under control in the right way. Over medication can cause a bunch of other issues that a person will have to deal with.

People who suffer form over active and under active thyroids are not alone and need to know that. It is not always easy for someone to have to stick to a therapeutic regimen for a long period of time. It should not stop a person from doing what they want to. There is a whole lot more to living lie than having to take a medication or follow a therapy regimen. This is a condition that can be controlled with the proper treatment. That is the important part for a person to remember. A person can incorporate the regiment that they need to follow to stay healthy into their every day life. It is up to the individual to make the adjustments. Some health condition will happen no matter what we do. The key to remember is to control what you can and not to stress what you can not control.

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