Friday, February 18, 2011

Exercising As A Person Gets Older

Maintaining a healthy and fit body is a key to the fact that people are living longer in our country. As a person gets older it becomes more necessary for them to keep their body in good shape. The older adult's physical capabilities and chronic diseases make their needs different than those of a younger person so what follows is ten tips to help keep a senior citizen get the exercise they need and although they may not help a person learn how to lose weight fast, these tips can help keep a person maintain good health and allow them to do things that they did not think would be possible because of their age.
1. Check with your doctor. Whenever someone is considering starting a fitness regimen they should consult a physician to find out what they can safely do. Make sure that what you are going to undertake will help your body rather than harm it.
2. Know your options. Do not just start exercising without doing the research. Pick a program you know you will enjoy, as some individuals want to go to a gym and do a structured workout, while others enjoy a neighborhood walking club and either will help improve your fitness, ability to function and quality of life as long as they do it regularly, but a person should not look into the programs that are advertised on late night television hat promise to help person discover how to lose weight fast at home in a week if they really want to help their body.
3. Do not overdo it at the start. People start a fitness regimen with great energy but they should make sure that they control what they do. This makes them sore and will make them want to stop. It is important for a person to do enough exercises without doing to much to give their body the most benefits.
4. People do not have to do it alone. A friend can help keep you motivated. That can help you working out regularly.
5. Know what you expect to accomplish. It is a good way for a person to stay committed to their routine. Write your goals down. Find a way to record your accomplishments as you reach them.
6. Avoid things that are unhealthy for your body. There is never a bad time to assess what you are doing wrong. It is never to late to replace them with good habits.
7. Do not spend your day in bed. Stretch, walk, march in place, stand and sit as many times as possible throughout the day. When your body is used to being active it becomes easier to do many things.
8. Know your challenges. Make a list of things that are keeping you from being active and come up with a solution for each of them. It is important to find ways around the obstacles.
9. Follow a balanced program. Do not only try one type of exercise. To get fit and trim a person must do different types of routines for their overall body. Different routines can also help keep a person interested.
10. A person should keep working out even if they have already gotten to the body shape they wanted. Try to get even healthier than you already have.
A senior citizen might not become a professional athlete. Just because a person has gotten older does not mean that they can not do anything. A fitness routine will lead to more positives than negatives. Working out can be done by people of all ages. Following a fitness regimen could be more difficult then what you did in your youth but it can be done. All a person has to do is to try their best. After deciding what to do a person needs to dedicate themselves to it. It is a matter of wanting it bad enough.

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