Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Enjoying The Same Things Your Kids Do

The younger generation seems to be obsessed with playing video games. A child’s house is not complete unless they have the best game system and it does not matter if it is the Nintendo Wii, the Microsoft Xbox 360 kinect, or the Sony Playstation Move, as long as the child has that and some games to play on them, they are happy and able to keep up with all of their friends who also have one of these platforms. It would be okay if a person was to admit that it was fun to play these consoles even though they are a little older now. Games are no longer just for kids, they are made for grown ups with families as well.

What are some of the reasons an adult can give for enjoying the game systems.

1. It is fun to challenge yourself to see how good you can be. The responsibilities that seem to take over our life sometimes stop us from things that we seemed to be able to do many years ago. Physical activity seems to take more of a toll on us than it used to. It takes longer for us to get from point a to point b. But when play the games, we have the ability to conquer the world again. People can compete with someone who is much younger than they are. It allows a person to recapture some o their youth.
2. The systems can provide an escape from everyday life. As a youth a person can picture themselves doing amazing things in their life and believe that those dreams will come true. The truth eventually hits us that we are not destined to fulfill all of our childhood fantasies because something called real life stands in the way. Through the game consoles a person takes things that are not always achievable and gets to do them. It can take us back to the time when we believed in dreaming.
3. The gaming systems can give a person a tremendous rush. Young and old people alike can enjoy the addictive nature that comes from gaming. Family obligations have left those habits in the past. Playing games can give a person a sense of the euphoria they once got from those substances. And it is not illegal to do. People can play the games without worrying if they are killing themselves.
4. The systems divert a person’s attention temporarily. The mundane tasks that we perform daily is not very much fun. Playing a game will allow a person to get away for a little while. A person can put their troubles in another room when they turn on the gaming console. If a person wants they can completely immerse themselves into gaming. It is not worth worrying about the bills that have to be paid while you are playing a game.

5. Gaming saves money. Going out as a family is expensive and can be very time consuming and although not everyone can figure our how to get a free xbox 360, the actual cost of the consoles and the games to play on them is much less than a person spends taking the family to a football game or out to the movies every month when you consider the years of entertainment that you get out of the consoles especially with today’s systems that do much more than play games and can actually replace a lot of equipment that many people need in their home anyway.

This list gives several good reasons to be a gamer. Kids are not the only ones who should be playing them. In the end though there is only one thing that a person needs to understand if they want to use the gaming systems. You can be entertained through gaming. Having fun is always a good reason for people to do things for.

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