Friday, February 4, 2011

Fighting Middle Aged Spread

With the number of food programs on TV telling us how we should be eating to stay healthy and to slim down, or the late night infomercials that show us the way how to lose weight fast at home in a week we have become a group of people who are obsessed with the way our body looks and how many pounds the scale says that we weigh.
Rather than using a general scale many people find out what their BMI is by comparing their weight to how tall they are. It is used to tell a person what their healthy weight is. But a person should take the time to measure their waist when they are deciding what weight they should be at. If a person has a large stomach they are more likely to face medical conditions down the road. Unfortunately, the BMI does not take into account a bulging waistline, which is why measuring yourself is a good habit to get into. Muscles weigh more than fat and the BMI does not take this into consideration.
Fat around the waist is not healthy. It can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and cancer. Our bodies are made to deposit fat there. The older a person gets, the more stubborn that bulge becomes.
Just because your forties seems like it is far away does not mean a person should not be concerned. The reality is that a person can start hanging onto the fat as they exit their twenties. A person needs to begin to make the right choices about their life when before they run into any problems.
First a person should consider their diet. In order for a person to be healthy, they need to eat healthy. Consuming fewer calories can be one way for a person to discover how to lose weight fast, but it may not teach you much about eating for a healthy life and any weight that is lost is often times returned to a person with extra weight included if they do not stop eating foods that are not healthy for them and replace them with foods that are lower in fat and calories on a regular basis.
Fruits and vegetable should be eaten by any one trying to eat right. Many experts suggest that a person should try to eat more food raw. Raw food has the advantage of making you feel full quicker. It is one way for a person to lower their food amounts. That is one of the keys to permanent weight loss. In addition to eating the right foods a person should also drink plenty of water. Drinking a lot of water can help a person stay satisfied throughout the day. It is one way to help a person stop snacking and still give their body what it needs.
Physical activity is something else to be considered. Exercise is important to good physical health. There are many different ways for a person to get regular physical activity. The truth is that in order for a person to stay healthy they need to do some type of exercising. If a person can spare the time than they should do it every day. If this is not something that you can commit to, than look for alternative ways to work out. Doing household chores is one way for a person to get the activity they need.
Many people need to worry less than they are. The more stressed you are, the more fat wants to stay on your body. Do not forget about taking a rest. You can rest you mind and body in any way that you want. By worrying about things less a person will be able to concentrate on taking care of their body more. And that is the ultimate goal.

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