Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Year's Resolutions for The Home

The year 2010 has rushed by, possibly too quickly. Along with the fireworks, the parties and the cold weather, now is a great time to seriously contemplate what , if any, New Year's resolutions you are going to make. Many people make resolutions related to themselves personally, such as: I will give up smoking/I will be nicer/I will start exercising and so on. Do not ignore our house though. Why not consider a number of house related New Year's resolutions as well?

In this article I have put together some resolutions which may be of use to you:

We have all heard and seen information about becoming more ecologically friendly, this would be a good time to put that information into action. Waste products such as bottles and paper could be separated and disposed of at your local recycling centre, in fact many places have specific refuse bins for different items; so start using them. It is very straightforward, you will help the environment and it will definitely feel great to know you are doing something for our planet.

We all know the benefits of alarms and detectors in our properties, but even if we have them installed we seldom check they are functioning. So to start, make sure you have smoke alarms and Co2 detectors and you have enough put up to cover the whole house; if not then buy some. For those of you who have these fire and CO2 alarms installed, you need to make sure they are operating and the batteries do not need changing. Don't forget about this; it may save your life in the future!

Instead of being spontaneous, plan for those house decorating jobs. Make a decision about what you want to decorate or refurbish in your house and write them down, so you have a list of jobs to be done. Next to each job, write down the materials you need then keep it handy when you are shopping; this way you can buy items in the sales or you may find them cheaper at a different outlet. Buying everything at the normal price is going to be expensive on your purse, this way you can save quite a bit of money. Finding the lowest prices and solutions is the best benefit of planning ahead.

Also, if you are purchasing white goods, it is better to properly consider all the possibilities you have and not just buy the first one you see. Weigh up the cost of items against the cost of running them, an item may be slightly more costly but you could save a lot of money in the long run.

Look at energy saving ideas you can do in the home. We have already discussed the way appliances in the home can save you money, there are other ways too. It's straightforward, here are few ideas - don't leave the light on when it isn't needed, don't leave the windows open for too long (it take ages to heat the room in such a case) and turn off the TV/computer when you aren't using it.

'Your house is your castle'; look after it! Everyday upkeep is compulsory don't neglect it. To keep your house in good shape and avoid big repair bills, make sure any repairs or redecoration is completed regularly.

As a Toronto condos expert, I know resolutions related to home are demanding. All resolutions depend on your individual plans and requirements. Choose to paint the living room, change the decor or change the furniture if you've wanted to for a long time! Set yourself a chore, a date you want to end it and do the work! What jobs do YOU want to take on?

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