Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 3 Reasons Why You Are Still Alone and How to Mend Your Broken Heart

Your friends are always telling you that you are good looking, have a great personality and have so much to offer someone, but you’re thinking "If I'm so great then why am I still alone on a Friday night trying to heal my broken heart?"

The solution may be closer than you think if you are willing to be honest with yourself. Most of the time we walk around in denial, telling ourselves that all the good ones are taken, but you're still single and you are a good catch, so all the good one aren’t taken!

Reason #1 – You are attracted to the wrong person.

Make a list of what you look for in a partner, is your list close to who you are attracted to? For example, relationships for my friend Belle would never last more than a few months even though she is a beautiful girl and really has no trouble getting a date, why? Belle doesn’t give the guy a chance if she doesn’t feel that instant attraction. Belle’s attractions are based entirely on sexual attraction and have nothing to do with the guy. How can a long-term relationship be built when it is based on a sexual attraction?

Growing a sexual relationship into a more meaningful one can be done but it truly depends on the couples. The guys Belle is attracted to are not the kind who want to settle down or remain faithful, unforturately. The guys she dated and her list were very different and this is why she always ends up with a broken heart.

And your list looks like? Does the person you want to be with and the person you are attracted to the same?

Reason #2 – Are you looking in all the wrong places for love?

I hear constantly from my friends how hard it is to meet a great guy. A bar … they sheepishly tell me when I ask where they are looking. I don’t know about you but I haven’t seen a long-term relationship come out of a chance encounter in a bar.

You’d most likely have a better possibility to meet someone at a coffee shop, a bookstore or even a laundromat even though there is a chance that you might meet someone remarkable at a bar. One of my friends met her husband at the bus stop, since they were both there everyday at the same time they struck up a conversation and got to know each other. A few weeks later they went on a date, finally. If they had met at a bar they probably wouldn't have even bothered to get to know each on the same level as they did at the bus stop.

What are some of your favorite places to hang out, could it be the place you meet your Mr. Right?

Reason #3 - You listen to your friends and not your gut.

The best is all our friends’ want for us and unfortunately it is not always the same that we want for ourselves. I’ll never forget the night my girlfriend introduce her new boyfriend, whom she has been dating for awhile, to her friends.

Right from the get go it was shaky and got totally out of hand as her new boyfriend got drunk. As the night wore on, he kept getting louder and louder, spilling his drinks and making my friend fidget in her seat. The first impression was not a good one of him.

The following day I told her, “You are worthy of so much better than him. That guy is a bonehead!”. She continued to see him and didn’t give into peer pressure as I know I wasn't the only one who told her to dump him.

I'm so glad she ignored me because he turned out to be a really awesome guy! That night he had been so nervous about meeting all of her friends, he drank too much and ended up acting like a total jerk.

If listening to your friends means throwing away potentially magnificent guys, do you?

So is the solution to why you are still alone right in front of you? Do you think you know now what changes to make? So you are not home alone on a Friday night, wondering to yourself "How can I heal my broken heart?” can you make the necessary changes? If you think there is another reason I may have missed, let me know by putting in your comments.

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