Friday, December 24, 2010

During the past five years or so nations around the world have seen smoking restrictions being enforced in restaurants, bars and public places including shopping malls etc.

Because of this millions of smokers around the world are looking for an ideal way in which to break the addiction for good.

Smoking is a very addicting habit which many people start when they are teenagers, and can be a very hard habit to break, however these days there are several products available on the market that will give you a help in hand.

The most widely known solutions available on the market are nicotine patches and lozenges. Patches are stuck to the skin which gradually release nicotine into the blood stream to feed any cravings. Lozenges can also be taken as a quick nicotine ‘hit’.

Although widely used, lots of people fail with both nicotine patches and lozenges to totally give up smoking so are turning to the new e-cigarette as an alternative to quitting.

The reason being the e-cig not only provides nicotine flavoured water vapours that are exhaled like smoke, but as it is meant to look like a cigarette, and be used as a cigarette, if a smoker is struggling with breaking the habit of having something in their hand then the e-cigarette is the ideal solution.

Coming with assorted strengths, and various flavoured vapours, the ecig can also be smoked in public places since it contains no harmful chemicals.

Although the smoking ban was unwanted by the majority of smokers, for millions of others the no smoking law being enforced was received well. Individuals were glad they would now have the ability to go out and enjoy smokeless atmospheres in places including bars, restaurants and shopping malls.

f you are a smoker and are having trouble stopping smoking then maybe the new electric cigarette is the solution.

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