Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Go With The Flow Series: Refuel…Hydrating the soul

We welcome everyone to our zionsville church
3 annual pilgrimage feasts for your Jews…
• Feast of Passover – celebrated inside the spring to recognize the starting of the grain harvest
• Feast of Pentecost – occurred 7 weeks later, celebrating the finish of the grain harvest
• Feast of Tabernacles – week-long autumn harvest festival
John 7:37-38
37 To the final and greatest evening of the Feast, Jesus stood and said within a loud voice, "If anyone is
thirsty, permit him arrive to me and drink.
38 Whoever believes in me, because the Scripture has said, streams of living water will circulation from within
Jesus’ creed of the existing – remain according to the current and you’ll be fine.
Psalm 92:12
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they'll grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
Proverbs 14:eleven
The house of the wicked will probably be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish.
John ten:ten
The thief comes only to steal and destroy and destroy; I have arrive that they may possibly have life, and have it to the
A flourishing life = it comes from outdoors yourself,
gives renewal within yourself,
for your sake of creating blessing past yourself.
I. It comes from outdoors yourself…
A foundational fact in life is the fact that there is often a god and its not you.
“There is often a God. It is not you. This will be the starting of wisdom. At first, it seems like poor news mainly because I
would wish to run the globe. I would wish to gratify my desires. I would wish to have my personal way. But after
we think about it, this notion turns out to be quite very good news. It suggests that an individual much wiser and far more
capable is working the show. It is his job to be God; it really is my job to find out to permit him be who he's. The
Bible states, ‘The idiot has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ I suppose the even bigger idiot, searching in
the mirror, has said, ‘There is often a god!’ for your oldest temptation is the fact that we ‘will be like God.’ Actual life,
however, begins when I die to the false god that's me.” – John Ortberg
II. gives renewal within yourself…
-- the current of Jesus’ living water usually flows inside the direction of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians five)
-- when an individual bumps into me, what spills out of me reveals what’s within of me.
III. creating blessing past yourself…
-- the current of Jesus’ living water flows outward, in loving acts of service to others
-- Augustine described sin as being a life turned in on itself. Jesus said we’ll come across life when we give ours absent.
Questions for this Lenten journey…
† Am I flourishing these days…is there life flowing from your stomach of my soul?
† Am I clear on my function?
† Is the life I’m currently living the life God called and created me to reside?
† Would the individuals approximately me say that I’m far more loving these days than a year back?
† Would the individuals who know me well say I reside with an others-oriented-posture?
† Am I heading with the circulation...or fighting the circulation?
40/30 Challenge = 30 minutes of centered time with God a day for 40 consecutive days

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