Sunday, December 12, 2010

Is He Being Unfaithful? What to Do and How to Mend Your Broken Heart

They smile as they turn away quickly after you witness him catching her eye. You’ve watched the progression of their "crush" with the long periods of time that they are both to be "missing" from a party and they're seemingly innocent flirting and it is breaking your heart. It’s your husband and you’re so called friend. Can you forgive him for being unfaithful and mend your broken heart?

When we find out our partner has been cheating on us, the first emotions we experience are hurt and anger. Is there a way to get passed this, stop the affair and repair your relationship? You have to ask yourself whether you are still in love with him and if the relationship even worth repairing?

The first thing you need to do if you want to repair your relationship is put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself why is he attracted to her. Is there something missing from your relationship that is drawing him to other women? By taking the relationship for granted or allowing it to go stale is the fault of both parties and is usually the reasons if one of the partners cheats. You still need to make your partner feel special even if you’ve been together for a long time. A successful relationship has to be worked on and maintained because if it isn't the relationship can't grow.

Due to the attention that people get from the opposite sex and how good it makes them feel about themselves is why they have affairs. If out of the blue some great looking guy is flirting with you, imagine how you would feel after years of being in a steady relationship. Suddenly you feel a little sexy, maybe a bit naughty, and with a little flirting he has made you feel things that you haven't felt in a long time.

Now that doesn't give anyone the excuse to take it further than some innocent flirting. So what this means is you and your partner need to have a heart to heart. You need to explain that you know what is going on and ask what him what his intensions are. Does she love him and vice versa? Does he still love you? If there are things that you need to work on in the relationship, like not taking him for granted, tell him you realize that.

It will be a rough road if you decide to work it out and are willing to give 100%. If you can, try seeing a marriage counselor, they can act as a mediator so you both can get your feelings out and communicated properly with each other. When trying to enlighten the each other of one's feelings, you both need to respectful of each other if you cannot see a counselor.

Furthermore, if you decide to forgive him, one of the most imperative things you should remember is you totally CAN NOT toss the affair back in his face. That will not help the trust to be build up with each other.

If you find yourself having trouble trusting him and forgiving him, you may have to move on so you may mend your broken heart.

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