Monday, December 20, 2010

Can a Video Game Help You Lose Weight

Gaming platforms now have their users moving and that has opened them up for the fitness industry. Because of the popularity of the television show, the Biggest Loser is one of the titles. People have been watching the show for many seasons. It has been responsible for helping motivate millions of people all across the U.S. to lose weight and live healthier lifestyles.
The Biggest Loser video game tries to capture that same type of magic from the TV show and bring it over to the home console and with the upcoming xbox 360 kinect release date there is one question that people need to ask about the game and that is: does it work?
When you start out with The Biggest Loser video game, you have to create a fitness program for yourself. Every individual makes their own character. One of the participants from the show is used as a guide for your persona. Then you have to choose one of the two professionals who are on the show.
A person who is playing the game can set up an exercise routine that is made specifically for them. It is possible for a person to use this game as a way to learn about how to make the right choices. If your desire is to lose some of tyour fat the game will assist you in accomplishing that.
Once you have done that, you will be given information about your intake and output of energy that is needed. It also lets you track what you have actually consumed through putting it into the program, and there are a nice variety of exercises here for you to partake in that utilize the Wii Balance Board, as well as the other Wii controllers or the new xbox 360 kinect system.
There is a system in the game that awards points to the gamer for the workouts that they do. There is more to this game than to try to outscore your opponent. The idea behind the game for me is to stay healthy. A person should not worry about the final score they get. Instead of being a game that is about beating an opponent, a person should concentrate on using it to get them to the body shape they want.
The biggest loser also keeps a journal of what a person does. It tells you what you should be putting into your body to achieve your weight loss goals. The leading aspect is the best part of the game. It is an educational tool to help you truly become healthier with your lifestyle.
Games are not cheap and as evidenced by the xbox 360 kinect price , the platforms are not cheap either. If you buy The Biggest Loser thinking it will be the only thing you need to lose weight, you will be greatly disappointed> If you purchase it and are set to really start an exercise program, this could be a great tool to complement that program. A person would probable have more success if they went to a real gym and had access to the equipment that is there versus the limited equipment that the game provides. Not only can a person get fit with a video game, but they can enjoy it at the same time.

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