Sunday, December 12, 2010

Things To Now About The New Video Game Consoles

Another year has passed and Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony all continue their slow, steady battles for gaming and entertainment domination and this year, the big news is motion-controlled gaming but while Nintendo has been doing it for years with its Wii, both Sony and Microsoft with its upcoming xbox 360 kinect release date have released add-ons for their consoles that let you forgo traditional game controllers and use your body's motion to control the games you play. Below we'll take a look at the big three consoles
If you don't already have a Blu-ray player or want a system with lots of non-gaming entertainment features, the Playstation 3 is your best choice. Considering its $299.99 price tag for, it is a tempting package even before you get into the games.
While the PlayStation 3 floundered a bit in its early days, it now has a large library of game titles available. With the exception of some system exclusives, every major title for the Xbox 360 is available for the PS3 and vice versa. There has been a trend for game manufacturers to remake classic arcade games for the new platforms that are much higher in quality.
Sony has also developed a motion control system similar to Nintendos. There is a system that combines a remote control with a sensor that follows a person and mimics their actions. Many people have said that they find the action that Sony provides to be more realistic than other older systems.
While it lacks Blu-ray Disc playback and Hulu Plus, Microsoft's console is just as formidable a gaming platform and almost as handy an entertainment system as the PS3 and the xbox 360 kinect also features Netflix, and is a handy DVD player if you're not quite ready to bump up to high-definition optical media. The Xbox 360 has tons of titles in its library, plus an excellent crop of system exclusives.
The way that this platform tracks movement is not the same as the others use. Hand controllers are required for the Wii or the Move. Microsoft does not need the hand held control. It measures where you are in the room, maps out your movements, and lets you dance, fight, jump, and run without touching a single piece of plastic but like the Playstation Move, Kinect, and due to the fact the xbox 360 kinect release date has just passed, it doesn't have many titles out now, but the radical new control scheme is just begging for creative developers come up with innovative titles.
It seems like the motion control games have been around forever, yet they have not and with the development of the new Playstation and xbox systems the market is going to get a lot more crowded over the coming years Sony and Microsoft are counting on their new innovations to put that at the top of this gaming market. Sony and Microsoft offer advanced technology for their pictures which is not available for the Wii. Even without the high definition there are a lot of titles that a user can choose from.
The original movement controllers were delivered by the Wii system. It was very impressive a few years ago when it debuted. But it is now not the only choice for people to have.
Choosing the right platform is up to the individual. Take the time to learn the differences between the platforms. Pick a platform that is designed for the video games that you enjoy. Once you have that figured out, go to the store. Playing video games is fun for the whole family. The fun is playing the games and it will happen no matter what your choice is.

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