Monday, October 3, 2011

Two Otc Hair Loss Treatment Options That May Avoid Thinning Hair

Premature hair loss in males is a real buzz killer for most. Countless men recognize themselves with how they appear so when they begin to lose their head of hair, how they appear and therefore who they are begins to disappear on them within the mirror every single morning.

Hair loss does not have to be a life changing even nevertheless. You will find numerous over the counter and prescription based treatments obtainable. The keys is you need to take action to treat the problem sooner then later. Attempting to treat hair loss when you've lost the majority of your hair leaves you with only one option; a hair transplant.

You will find two great over the counter treatments you are able to order online discreetly and quickly to begin treating your condition. The very first is Provillus. This is a two step hair loss treatment that contains the FDA approved ingredient to treat hair loss Minoxidyl.

You apply the topical answer twice daily towards the scalp and take the oral supplement each day also. The finish goal of Provillus is to reduce the amount of DHT your physique is making and also stopping it from binding to hair follicles on your scalp. The item works effectively for most men who give it a fair chance. The important is consistency of use and application to see very best results.

A second over the counterhair loss treatment you are able to order online is Procerin. This item is also a two step therapy plan, but does not include Minoxidyl. Whilst Minoxidyl is over the counter and FDA approved it can leave your scalp feeling itchy and dry so some men opt to appear for an all natural therapy instead. Procerin is that all natural therapy.

A two step item containing a topical foam that you apply twice daily to your scalp and an oral capsule supplement you take once each day Procerin aims to produce exactly the same results as Provillus. Stop DHT within the physique from being manufactured after which block what DHT is left from binding with hair follicles on the scalp.

Their official web sites states they've achieved great success in their very own trial and study. The big selling function is that both of these goods avoid the negative side effects that some men experience when they use prescription hair loss treatments only.

For much more info on Procerin and Provillus also as other over the counter hairloss treatments you are able to go to our website where we have numerous reviews and comparisons. Go to us at or 856.994.0072.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hair Loss Treatment

I started losing hair rapidly. On my doctors suggestion i started using Procerin recently. As I was too worried about its possible side effects. Unfortunately, my hair fall has stopped too fast, i think this is working on my hair fall.