Monday, October 3, 2011

Overcoming Life's Difficulties - Fear of Intimacy

Fear of intimacy triggers the individual to constantly defend their heart from hurt. At a certain point in life the individual was very much wounded exactly where their heart is afraid and also scared to love yet again. If not overcome the fear and also the protection will continue to cultivate year in year out. The individual so desperately wants to discover real love nonetheless it avoids them in every romantic relationship. Life turns into a series of broken romantic relationships plus the protection increases.

What's occurring is the person who desires love so much isn't going to let their loved one inside their heart. The wall of protection is so reenforced by life’s encounters that no one is going to enter the actual walled off heart. There can be actual physical contact and also enjoyment to varying degrees however the heart’s passion is just not involved in the physical romantic relationship.

Where does fear of intimacy develop from? Most of the time it seems to cultivate in childhood and from dad and mom or abandonment of parents. Maybe you was raised in a house which was not really loving that you were never affirmed or told you are loved. Or even worse the actions of your parents scream to you something is wrong and they actually don't love me. In this particular world most young children will begin to defend their tender hearts from hurt and pain. They start to discover that the world is not safe, other people are not safe. The only conclusion for them is to safeguard themselves because this is the only place to find protection. It becomes a lifetime of them against me and I can only trust me. Very unfortunate yet very true. It sets the course for a lifetime of disappointment and hurt. They might have relationships where their partner genuinely loves them and also desires to guard them however their safeguarded heart will never allow to be loved. It is even worse, due to their fear of intimacy their partners true intentions will probably be manipulated to look as if they are seeking to hurt them.

To find out more about Fear Of Intimacy

To watch our video go to: Fear Of Intimacy

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