Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ways to Fall Asleep Fast

Not being able to sleep at night when your fatigue starts to kick in can be awful. Your mind and the body are worn out from the day’s activities, and your eyelids are heavy. Nevertheless you simply can’t seem to fall asleep! Uncomfortable nights like that can affect your daily life and performance at work the subsequent day. Let’s take a look at some of the ways to fall asleep fast for a good night’s rest.

To go to sleep quickly and naturally, there's something that you simply shouldn’t do in order to help you get that well-deserved nap.

Steer clear of late meals. A quiet stomach can lead to a quiet mind.

Eliminate as much caffeine from your daily consumption as you possibly can. Cut out all caffeine after noon. Remember that caffeine maybe relatively safe, but it is nevertheless a stimulant that can keep your brain active, causing insomnia.

Clear away any bedroom distractions: TV, computer, and phone. Some people can sleep with them, however if you are being affected by insomnia, then it's advisable that you do without them.

Although reading may be relaxing, they may also make you stay up when you should be trying to sleep. Either reserve a certain amount of time to read and stick to it, or remove your books away from your bedside.

Steer clear of drinking alcohol prior to sleep as it might give you a headache. Night sweating from alcohol are usually common for heavy drinkers.

Cut down on candies or any sweet stuffs, since large amounts of sugar could keep you energized at night.

Probably the most natural way to fall into deep sleep fast would be to re-train your mind. You might want to adapt a routine of mind-mellowing actions to relax your mind to prepare itself for sleep.

Before you go to bed, you'll want to take a warm shower, utilizing lavender or chamomile perfumed body wash that can help to relax your senses.

Prepare everything you need for the next day (work documents etc), so that your mind will relax and not focus on next day’s plans.

To get a good night’s rest, your bedroom needs to be as silent as possible. Be certain that you're unable to hear any background noises from washer, dryer and TV. The only noise ought to be white noise or soft music.

After brushing your teeth, drink a small glass of warm milk or water. Ensure you do not drink too much or you will tend to go to the bathroom and this will likely interrupt your sleep.

Put on comfortable nightclothes.

To go to sleep easily, have a comfortable pillow that supports your head and neck well. If you're a side sleeper, you may use an additional pillow in-between your legs to support your spine.

Softly rub your temples by while lying on your back. This helps you to relax.

Make use of a free standing fan to circulate the oxygen inside the room. This doubles as a source of white noise.

Switch off all lights from your room. If you need some light, limit it to a low night light.

Make use of hypnosis or subliminal CDs that plays some soothing subliminal messages and music, which are often incredibly hypnotic and relaxing to help you sleep faster and easier.

Bear in mind that the key to fall asleep fast is to have a relaxed brain and calmed nerves. Sweet dreams!

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