Sunday, May 29, 2011

Improving Self Esteem: The Three Killers of Self-Esteem

The human ego is really a fragile thing. As youngsters, we develop beliefs and values that researchers tell us may well dictate our destiny to our final day on Earth. To that conclusion, the development of a healthy ego, including how to improve self-esteem, is imperative for the optimal functioning of our personality along with a healthy outlook on life and the world around us.

Strong self-image is absolutely an integral component of individual happiness and fulfilling relationships. It is what we value, love, accept and appreciate about ourselves and is echoed in the way we interact with other people and how we confront the difficulties of everyday life.

So, How Significant Is Good Self-Esteem?

As illustrated in a recent news story at ABC News, high self-esteem is in fact a powerful and precise forecaster of general success, solid interpersonal associations and appropriately high motivation. High self-worth and self-confidence are important forecasters of happiness and general wellbeing.

Alternatively, low self-esteem can predict a lack of prosperity, out and out hostility, crime, adolescent pregnancy, many forms of emotional illness, hopelessness and much more.

What Is The Source of Diminished Self-Esteem?

An exhaustive analysis of self-esteem will reveal it to be described as a highly complex area influenced by a variety of elements but simply put, low self-esteem is driven by our unconstructive inner-most thoughts. The precise quality of our own personal thoughts, beliefs and feelings are ultimately mirrored as a part of our conduct.

For that reason should you possess low self-image, it is precisely how you are going to conduct yourself, and consequently shape your own perceived value as well as ultimately influence the perception of other people close to you.

The 3 Killers of Self-Esteem

There are literally thousands of books and personal advancement courses that are intended to teach you the best way to boost self-esteem. Some are quite beneficial and others, well, not so much. But, over the years I have discovered that even the best-meaning, most intelligent authors often miss what I call the 3 “killers” of self-esteem.

I know the expression “killers” is in fact a rather harsh term but when it comes to the life-blood of your personality, these three elements can do far more to destroy your level of self-worth than practically anything else. Here’s an overview.

Killer #1: Living With Fear, Guilt and Worry

There is nothing more dangerous to an otherwise healthy self-concept than living with fear of the foreseeable future, guilt regarding the past and anxiety about the present. These 3 emotional vampires will over time, drain you of your strength, your happiness and your soul. If you are saddled with these issues you might have already discovered that they all share a common origin. They are all a result of perception.

Even though getting out from underneath the burden of fear, guilt and worry may appear to be impossible, when you begin to view their trigger as simply errors in perception, then you certainly are capable to take control of their demise. I’ll discuss much more about this in a future article.

Killer #2: Being Disconnected From Your “Authentic” Self

Your authentic self is the “real” you—the core essence of your personality and significance. As we mature and evolve from young children, through mainly external factors (parents, peers, mass media, and so forth.), we lose contact with that essence and start to shape our identities to societal models and not rely on our internal knowing to tell us who we are. Like a leaf blowing in the wind, we are going to follow an ever-changing path, never establishing a powerful experience of self-identity.

The ability to connect together with your true self is powerful and is a basic requirement of stable self-worth.

Killer #3: Lacking the Power of Love

The inability to simply accept and love your self for who you are is critical to a healthy and strong self-esteem. As in the instance above, the moment you have completely connected with “who you are,” you need to learn how to accept and appreciate that uniquely exceptional creation that you are. The inability to love yourself is in addition reflected in the inability to simply accept other people for who they are; a basic ingredient of strong supportive relationships.

In conclusion, the missing keys to acquiring unshakable self-worth along with a strong sense of identity are to remove the pressure of fear, guilt and worry, reestablish connection with your own authenticity and eventually, accept and appreciate yourself just the way that you are.

The way to realize this is straightforward but not usually easy because, as I explained previously, to alter your degree of self-worth you need to first and foremost improve the quality of your thoughts. By focusing on eradicating these three killers of your self esteem you will radically transform your thinking and also the way you go through life. I’ll be going over each of these in more detail in the next installments within this series.

The great thing is the fact that now it is possible to short-cut your ability to eradicate these three killers and save often months of struggle!

I strongly advise you to try out how to improve self-esteem with BrainStream the wonderful three-part plan that has long been proven over and over again by its users to dramatically Improve Self-Esteem.

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