Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Ultimate in Holistic and Spiritual Coaching Tips

If you’ve researched quantum physics, you have accessed some awesome higher truths about the infinite power of the universe. With an interest in Spiritual Coaching, you certainly realize that this universal force also is in you and everyone else. Spiritually, we are all connected and anything is possible. This raises a transformational level of awareness, that evolution necessitates enlarging what we view to be feasible and reaching into our infinite potential as true co-creators with God.

More than 100 years ago, Wallace Wattles wrote about this universal intelligence that unites everyone and everything in his classic text, The Science of Getting Rich. Wattles made the critical point that there is no restriction on the supply of everything our heart desires. Wattles also advised that each person has a right to everything necessary to live fully and to attain all imaginable growth.

A Trio of Enlightening Spiritual Coaching Secrets

1. Recognize the notion of lack is imaginary. As a spiritual coach or an individual who intends to guide yourself to broader vistas of awareness, it is essential that you recognize the tremendous possibilities you and those you help have at your command in every area of life.

It’s curious that many people pay more attention to the perceived limitations that tie them down. This is the case with financial challenges, physical challenges, friends, family, and more. The real fact is that the issues we face can also serve as reminders to break through boundaries and progress to a place where we can return to an awareness of the universal intelligence and again understand that anything can happen.

2. Where there is a heartfelt yearning, there is a way to make it happen. From the viewpoint of a Spiritual Coach, it is always right to encourage the people you serve to follow their heart’s desires realistically. The magic formula for realizing our heart’s deepest yearnings resides in our awareness, and you can help clients to shift their typical ways of thinking and doing to connect with their dreams. Watch for times when you feel that others (or even you yourself) are limited by their difficulties. If you believe in their limited points of view, it will not be possible for you to help them.

3. You must take positive steps to expand your view of reality. One way is to have expansive questions you can consider when uncertainty tries to overtake you. One of the most helpful ones you can ask is "Do you think that God would choose for you (or any person) to be limited in any way?" If you open your heart, you understand this is not true. When you keep this in mind, your energy shifts and you can go back to the understanding that anything your heart desires is possible.

Going a step further with this potent line of thinking, find another powerful thought or two that works like this for you, questions you can ask yourself to change your course any time doubt enters in.

Make note of the way you feel when you are in touch with the energy of the Creator and unlimited opportunities contrasted with times you fall into belief that opportunities are limited. Which one makes you feel more alive and connected with life? This is essential for effective spiritual and holistic coaching. Accessing the infinite power of the universe is uplifting for every aspect of your being. And it creates no adverse side effects!

If you’re ready to read more, follow the link to this article: “What is a Spiritual Coach?”

And be sure to get more information if you are looking for training in Holistic Coaching and Healing.

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