Friday, May 13, 2011

Best Christian Relationship Advice For Couples

It is difficult to offer Christian relationship advice through writing an article without knowing who is reading and knowing your unique situation in details. Though I will try to give some general advice throughout the following information that can help you live up to Christian moral values.

1) Remember that you also have a relationship with God in your life. When you are taking care of your relationship with the Almighty God, all of your other relationships will be influenced by your relationship to God as well.

2) Discuss your relationship with God and ask for His wisdom and guidance

3) Ask mature Christians that you know have been married for years for their advice.

4) Stay true to you Christian morals. Don't do something just because other's don't think you are cool enough or to satisfy someone else.

5) Talk to your pastor, elders or others in the church that have many years of experience that you trust and can get knowledge and tips from. Their years of experience with having God in their lives has often taught them to speak from great wisdom.

6) Reading general relationship advice and self help books can be of great value, but some things will be a bit different when you get them from a biblical perspective. Therefor I invaluable to read some books written by other Christian believers to get the best advice.

7) Have Christian friends and hang out with other Christians. Christian friends can offer you a third person's view that is in line with Christian values. Talking about your relationship problems and concerns with other Christians can be very helpful.

8) Pray together. Pray for God's strength, guidance and love. Many couples don't understand how powerful prayer is, but research shows that spouses that pray together have an increased chance of keeping a happy and lasting marriage.

9) Talk about your thoughts and feelings. To be able to talk openly about your thoughts and feelings is a key ingredient in a happy marriage.

10) Practice effective communication. Truly listen to your partner and what he or she wants to say to you. Allow him or her to talk about his/her feelings without arguing or judging them, just listen and pay attention.
No matter if you are in a new relationship or have been married for years, things can get complicated. All of us have disagreements in our relationship that we need to deal with to grow.

By using some of the above Christian relationship advice you have a bigger chance of building a more loving and intimate relationship. Some of the advice here you may think is obvious, but in daily life when things get busy and there don't seem to be enough time, these things can be easy to forget and you may no longer take the time to pray together as often as you would like to. Take the time to involve God in your relationship and soon enough you will experience change in other life areas too, including your relationship with your partner and other people.

If you found the above Christian relationship advice useful, visit Christian marriage counseling Info for more information and advice.

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