Sunday, May 22, 2011

Alternative Ways to Stop Smoking

Smoking cigarettes harms our health and well being in far more ways than we think. Stop smoking today to regain your health and begin a new healthier life-style.

Many reasons exist to stop smoking cigarettes. Smokers who have give up smoking claimed that they now breathe better, their level of fitness has improved and they feel healthier and stronger. Giving up smoking reduces risk of lung cancer, diabetic issues, heart related ailments and a number of other other respiratory challenges.

Just lately, there has been some sort of breakthrough discovery that herbs may help one to give up smoking. While they are typically used for cooking and medicinal applications, utilizing herbs as natural ways to quit smoking are great approach for those who do not want to go for medicinal options. Let’s check out just how some of these herbs work.

Lobelia is extremely effective in reducing nicotine craving. Lobelia contains a substance referred to as lobeline, that acts as a substitute for nicotine. Lobeline offers the same calming properties that are observed in nicotine. Excessive use of lobelia may be harmful to our health since it is quite a toxic herb. Individuals must consult a professional physician prior to consuming lobelia. An important feature about lobelia is it isn't addictive like nicotine. Liquefied extracts as well as dried herbal plants of lobelia are easily available in the market.

Wild oat plant is the major source of avena sativa. In accordance with many researchers, avena sativa may help smokers to free themselves from the dependence of nicotine. It is also used to minimize withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, feelings of tension as well as nervousness in individuals.

Gotu kola plays an important role in improving the blood circulation through the body. With this, it assists in managing the damage attributable to smoking cigarettes to some extent.

Garcinia cambogia is extremely effective in curbing the natural desire of smoking, which is generated typically in chain smokers. Smoking is the cause of weight gain. However, the hydroxycitric acid content in garcinia cambogia aids in burning off the extra calories to reduce weight.

Mimosa tea provides peace of mind. As soon as you give up smoking, you would be prone to be affected by nervousness and headaches. Usually, most people start smoking all over again to stop these symptoms. Mimosa tea delivers relief from these types of unwanted effects. Mimosa tea is produced on a large scale in South Mexico and Brazil. Like lobelia, this herb is a non-addictive herb.

Korean ginseng, much like the above mentioned herbal treatments, aids people to give up smoking. It's a natural anxiety reliever. It presents relief into the body by helping it in dealing with the absence of nicotine once individuals give up smoking. It can help to fight against low energy as well as nervousness.

Crave-Rx drops, just like other beneficial herbs, aid in lowering the dependence on nicotine. People who smoke (specially female smokers) take to smoking again as a result of increased weight gain. Consumption of this herb does not increase body weight.

Besides the use of herbs to quit smoking cigarettes, acupuncture and hypnosis are other natural alternatives. Self hypnosis is a superb program to break old habits and replace them with good brand new habits. In such cases, stop smoking hypnosis will help you alter your attitudes towards smoking and ultimately quit the unhealthy habit. Other than quitting smoking, self hypnosis also helps to manage emotional tension and minimize anxiety levels. As such, when you are experiencing such withdrawal problems, it is recommended to go for a self hypnosis session.

Quitting is difficult but not impossible. Stop smoking today to enjoy a brand new, healthy lifestyle with your family and friends!

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