Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Three Silly Notions About Becoming an Expert Author or Speaker

For anyone who hopes to build a business based on their expert abilities, speaking and writing are both powerful ways to reach a big group of prospects. And the idea of becoming a recognized expert speaker or writer evokes strong replies – from passionate pursuit to pronounced reluctance.

To clarify the issue, let’s see what it means to become a highly recognized expert. An expert is a person with a track record of knowledge or skill pertaining to a specific issue. Knowing this, you might wonder why a person would want to avoid achieving expert status. It should be natural to write and talk about the areas you know best.

Three Silly Notions About Becoming an Expert Speaker or Writer

1. It feeds your ego. Being an expert speaker or author can be about glitz and glamour. Some say that celebrity isn’t what they want. They say they just want to help people.

But to draw prospects to your business, you must be able to think and speak highly of yourself. And by sharing your gifts and talents with more people, you will become recognized as an expert.

Sharing your message through speaking or writing benefits both you and the people you want to serve. Isn’t it fulfilling to be appreciated for the tremendous value you provide?

2. Gaining recognition as an expert isn’t important. It’s true that your esteem comes from within. The assumption here is, “I’m here to help others — and I don’t have to be recognized to be of value.”

Yet to feel fully alive, it’s critical to share your gifts abundantly. The point is that if you want to assist many, many people, you must find ways for them to find you. Communicating your expertise as a speaker or author tells others that you know how to solve their problems.

3. Your strategy is to use the Law of Attraction. This law contains powerful truths, and thinking positively is a critical element for succeeding in business.

You also need to understand how this universal law functions. If you use it simply to “wish upon a star” and instantly achieve success, you almost certainly will be disappointed. It’s not that easy. You have to be very specific with the use of your mind and the strategic actions you take.

Adapting a strategy based solely on a wishful Law of Attraction approach is risky at best. It will never be a viable business plan. Being clear with your thoughts and feelings is a good start. This will help you to determine an effective action plan. Then you have to follow through and take daily action to create the desired results.

Your Prospects as a Highly Recognized Expert Speaker or Writer

At times when you face a difficult challenge, wouldn’t you get the help of an expert? And what are the best ways to find this expert? You’d most likely read their books or articles or listen to them talk.

Developing skills in speaking or writing, your overall expertise increases. And by delivering your expertise to the people who need your services, you generate success.

Studying to be an expert speaker or author can be fulfilling. Don’t you owe it to yourself, to your underlying purpose, and your calling to do something meaningful to let your voice speak out to others? If yes, achieving recognition as an expert can become an exciting step on your path to success!

Curious about how to get expert status as an author or speaker? If so, take a look at the tools and information available to you in The Experts Academy.

And don’t miss an opportunity to explore this additional information: Five Keys to Becoming a Highly Paid Expert.

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