Friday, January 21, 2011

Weight Loss From Walking

Exercises are excellent for your exercise program because they help tone fat muscles while also burning calories. But aerobics is best to burn calories. A good way to get an aerobic workout is to stroll.

Walking is the easiest and handiest exercise we can use in our exercise program. But you need to know more than one foot in front of the other to get the maximum from walking as aerobicise.

Due to the way in which the body draws on fat stores vs other stored sources of energy, the first thing you must do is increase the time you spend walking. While weve related that 30 minutes of exercising is good for fat burning, when you walk, you actually need to push this up to at least forty five minutes, but ideally an hour is best for weight loss.

clearly, it might not be possible for you to fit an hour of walking into your tight timetable, but try walking
Each day allowing a few days for an hour and a couple of days at 30 minutes. Alternate them, however. If you walk an hour on Monday, walk half an hour on tuesday, etc .

If you are only going to be walking for 30 mins, boost your speed for ideal weight control. A relaxed ramble isnt going to offer you
That aerobic workout that the body needs, so step it up a bit. But do not go overboard. If you cant talk and walk, youre over-exerting yourself and you need to back off a bit.

You may also introduce some kind of weight for you to carry when you walk. This should be something easy like a small weight, or you can go to the pantry and pull out a couple of cans of corn! Keep them in your hands as you walk and move your arms back and forth in your steps. Adding weight will also help tone your arms an extra perk!

If you are walking out of doors, maybe in your neighborhood, take along a walk-man and play some hopeful music to keep you walking. Not only is it entertaining, it keeps you going as well!

And don't forget that all walking counts whether or not its in a trip to the mall!

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