Saturday, January 8, 2011

Comparing Video Game Systems

When it comes to choosing a video game console, a person has three main options to look at. It is not easy to decide which console will be the best one. With Microsoft's highly anticipated xbox 360 kinect release date finally in stores, all three major current-generation gaming consoles now offer some form of motion control and the Xbox 360's has got Kinect, the PS3 has the PlayStation Move, and the Wii has the motion controllers so it is important to look at what makes these systems different, where each one is successful, and where each one is lacking.
The PlayStation Move combines a video camera with a physical controller. Because of the this, Playstation is able to track a gamer as they move around a room. It also allows a player to have a reference for aiming at the screen. A gamer must have clear lines of sight between them and the game in order for it to work. In that way it is similar to the kinect system.
If you already have a Playstation 3 you can get a bundle for the move that costs $99. For a little less than four hundred dollars a gamer will be able to buy the complete system. As a person accumulates more game titles they will be able to get them separate from the console.
Microsoft has developed a system that uses a camera to track the gamers movement without the use of joystick. It is possible to go through the various menus for the console without having to use a joystick. Along with the movement, a person can also use speech to work this console. Because of the camera system, gamers must give themselves ample amount of room when using this console. The kinect system requires the most room to operate well.
The xbox 360 kinect price is around $150 for the kinect only but if you don't have an Xbox 360, you will need to purchase that although you can get a Kinect bundle for $299 or a person can opt for a system with more storage space, and they can turn to the Kinect and the 250GB Xbox 360 for $449. When considering the price remember that there are no extra joysticks that are needed with this console.
For the Wii, all the motion control is in the remote. Nintendo has made it’s joystick and nunchuk combination better with more advanced technology over time. The new controller is much more consistent. It provides a better experience. The trouble that Wii has is its graphics. The Wii is not recommended for the serious gamers who like the really good graphics.
The Wii's motion control system is integral to the console itself. It is also the lowest priced system of the three. A person will spend $199 for everything they need. How much a person spends overall is up to them. Add ons to the game can be purchased separately. Plastic baseball bats and other pieces of sports equipment try to make the game more realistic. A person can buy special charging units and covers for the controllers if they choose.
In the end, the game system you use is up to you. None of the machines are perfect for everyone. Besides considering the consoles a person should also consider the games that they like to play. How old a person is that is going to play the game is important also. It is important for a person to know how the games play differently and how that will affect their game play. More and more people are finding that it is a necessity to have a gaming system for their family. People enjoy this type of game play that is being offered. It can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Get your gaming system as soon as possible.

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