Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The First Step To Christian Weight Loss Is Curing Your Food Addiction

Have you believe you may have a food addiction?

How can you be dependent on a substance you have got to consume to remain alive? Is it feasible to be hooked on food? Analysts say yes. And for us to attain christian weight loss that is an addiction that must be controlled,

When scanning the brain of a food addict considering food, the scan shows changes nearly identical with the brain changes of a crack head or alcoholic thinking about drinking or drugs. The majority of the time the food being considered by the food addict is rich and calorie dense, for example pizza, chocolate cake and ice cream, or pasta with cream sauce.

Another similarity is that food addicts like drug addicts, and alcoholics, have less receptors for dopamine, the feel good hormone. It could be that in order to feel good, food addicts have to eat more in order to reach the same state as normal folk.

Over eating leads to the brain over emphasising the sensation and pleasure of eating by decreasing the awareness of other body parts, than the mouth. Food addicts often go through similar withdrawal pains like drug addicts. These symptoms may include resentment, depression, bad temper and moodiness.

Food addiction can be controlled. Even if you're not addicted to food the tips below can help you shed pounds.

Keep a book. Writing down what you eat and how you feel when you eat can help you identify danger areas. Seeing what you've eaten in a twenty-four hour period brings home just how much of your life is controlled by food.

Know your triggers and avoid them. Certain foods are triggers to beyond control eating. If you know what they are you can avoid them. Triggers can also include events, such as holidays, and folk. If you know somebody irritates you and your reaction is to eat, avoid that person if possible.

Target the food. It sounds counter productive to emphasize food when that is all you can think about. The idea is to concentrate on foods that you sincerely enjoy, not just on filling up your gut with whatever is at hand . Food addicts in many ways have it rougher than other addicts, they cannot just give up food.

Slow down when you eat. Use small plates. Put your fork down between bites. Have multiple courses rather than everything on the table or on your plate right now. Drink water between bites. Take at least 30 minutes to eat your meals.

Join a support group. People who are facing the same challenges as you are can offer the positive support you want. Knowing you're not alone can enhance your morale.

never give up. Your first efforts at controlling food intake would possibly not be successful, but that doesn't suggest all of your efforts will fail. See the positive progress you've made instead of the back sliding.

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