Saturday, June 16, 2012

You Can Win The Lottery

If you are akin to most of the "regular" everyday individuals in the western world then you'll already recognise that winning the lottery is a pipe-dream - correct? I mean with odds of winning the top prize at about 14 million to 1 how could anyone expect to win? Well, even though the chances of hitting it big seem pretty impossible some of the population seem to resist the science of them like the five times lottery winner Larry Blair!

If you've never won a prize in the lottery yet it is probably due to you approaching the game all wrong thinking that winning is a matter of pure luck. You could not be more incorrect. The lottery isn't about good fortune it's about probabilities!

This means that there are methods to increase your chances of winning using algorithmic equations which are designed to increase the probability of you being successful.

You may not fully grasp how to manipulate algorithmic equations in order to benefit from of the above written about truth. Nonetheless, you will not be surprised that at least one intelligent maths professor did! If an individual could build a winning lottery system then certainly they would use it to win countless times. This is precisely what occurred.

After Prof. Blair, a maths professor, devised his lottery system he went on to win five times. But, his impressive discovery also meant his life was at risk! After perfecting his algorithmic formula Larry Blair discovered that he could consistently pick winning lottery numbers and win prizes - both big and modest.

Larry Blair soon perfected his formula. Even though you may think it sounds wonderful that he then went on to win the lottery a further three times his new-found "luck" meant he was open to abuse from mobster types who wanted to kidnap him for his formula. He now states that he can show you ways to win the lottery without difficultly.

When you win the draw five times then it is little wonder you become a bit of a celebrity. And,Larry Blair's wanna-be kidnappers understood that you do not win the lottery five times without a method and they wanted it!

Though Larry Blair was fortunate enough to escape his ordeal without giving away his lottery secret he did not dodge unharmed. In his escape he was shot by one of his assailants in his leg!

Larry Blair has won the draw five times in all, which he credits to his lottery method.

A multitude of people would regard Larry Blair has being lucky which he was not when he took a bullet to the leg.

Larry Blair would strongly disagree that his lottery wins are down to luck though. He states that "the more I play the luckier I get".

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