Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Quick Tips For Boosting Your Memory

You might think that your memory is something that's just the way it is, and can not be enhanced. It is a common belief that as you become older, your memory declines. The reality is, however, a lot of researchers and memory experts have proven that there are ways to improve your memory. Our focus in this report is to give you a few simple techniques to help you increase your memory.

There is a strategy that a lot of experts in the field of memory enhancement and training use that's known as visual association. This can involve generating images in the mind to help you remember something. The visual associations you make may be entirely nonsensical. Here's an example of one such visual association I was taught when I was learning Arabic: "the Arabic word for DUCK is BOTTAH (phonetic spelling). Picture in your head a duck covered with butter for ten seconds, as vividly as you can." Now, each time I want to say duck in Arabic, that image comes to mind and I remember the word! And the secret to making this technique truly effective is to make your visual as peculiar and unique as possible. As an example, if you wish to remember an individual's name, associate that name with any idea or image that comes into your mind. Then, when you see or think of that individual, the image will help you recall his or her name.

In case you want to remember something, repeat it to yourself frequently. You may already realize this, because it is merely common sense, but it is one of the most basic steps you can take when it's crucial to be able to recall something. Particularly if you are a visual learner, it's wise to write out what you are trying to memorize and then look at the paper every so often throughout your day. This is exactly why flash cards are an effective tool for learning anything that calls for memorization, such as a brand new language. You must make the mental effort to repeat the information to yourself if you want to remember it. Consistency is vital for success with this strategy. You won't have to do it for very long, but you do have to do it with frequency until the data has been learned. A person's phone number, or birthday, is one example. Just simply repeat it to yourself every day until it's embedded in your mind. Regardless of whether you want to remember a name, a number, or a truly cool phrase in a foreign language, repetition is one of the best strategies you could use.

When you're reading or studying something that you must recall later, the state of your mind at the time is very important to your success. In the first place, you stand a better chance of remembering something if you're calm and relaxed. Therefore, take a few deep, calming breaths from time to time and keep your body and mind relaxed. There have been music tracks specifically made to put your mind into the right brain wave pattern that induces enhanced learning. These tracks were used with students in teaching situations and the successful outcomes have been documented. Regardless of what type of music that relaxes you will help you with this. Even tracks that feature the sounds of nature - such as rainfall or waves on a beach - will give you great results. Additionally, on YouTube and other sites online, you will discover music specifically created - using binaural beats - to put your mind in the perfect brain wave pattern for learning. Or you can merely focus on breathing deeply, when you're wanting to process new information. Another tip, sit up straight. Good posture will help keep you more alert. When you are slouching over your keyboard or book, you can get worn out and will not likely remember anything.

So, if you want to make your memory stronger - and who doesn't need to? - or if your memory is lagging and you want to sharpen it again, follow the tips we've mentioned above, because they are among the best ways to reach this goal Keep in mind, like every worthwhile goal, it is going to take consistent application on your part for you to be successful. Having the right mindset when you set out to learn something new - with a conscious intention to succeed - will give you the motivation to actually apply yourself when you are trying to remember new information.

As it relates to this particular area of concern, what are your feelings after getting this far?

It is to your very clear benefit that you have a sufficient grasp of this information. You have to realize that improve memory is a wide field of knowledge that requires your due diligence. Read the material and look at how it can fit into your life, and then be sure about what you want to do.

Another thing, though, is that as you probably know very well; you can locate excellent related content that will be helpful. What some do, and we have also done this, is to pick one particular aspect and really go deep into it.

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