Saturday, June 2, 2012

Low Carb Foods Can Be Mood Boosters

For low carb foods to be healthy mood boosters and make you happy, they have to be the right type. If you are reading this and thinking about cakes and ice cream as foods that make you feel content, that is not where we're going. Also, we are not talking about fake low carb foods that are meant to imitate things like cakes, cookies, and ice cream and frequently lack any effective nutrition.

To fathom specifically what we're discussing here concerning low carb foods, let's begin with a visual of how certain foods affect the brain and moods in general. Then, you'll have a greater appreciation of how some specific low carb foods can be beneficial for relaxation.

Let's say that you have to perform in front of a group or give a speech, so you're nervous or anxious. To calm your apprehension, would you choose a diet soda, a glass of milk, candy, or a naturally low carb drink?

Selecting a diet soda with artificial sweeteners is the worst choice you could make. Low carb foods and drinks that have aspartame and saccharin do anything but calm the mind and nervous system. Steering away from these chemical ingredients in low carb foods or drinks is generally a smart idea, but notably if you are trying to relieve anxiety.

If you believe the glass of milk is the best choice for relieving anxiety, you should know that mixing protein with carbs reduces the sedative effect of the carbohydrates.

Believe it or not, candy is the right answer if you are not concerned about maintaining a diet of low carb foods, or about the effects of sugar on your overall health. While many think of sugar as a stimulant, more and more research is showing that all carbohydrates, including sugar and starches, eventually have the opposite effect.

Of course, the healthiest choice is the natural low carb drink. This is partly because liquids are digested more rapidly and absorbed right away. Also, low carb drinks made from naturally low carb foods can supply a balancing effect to hormones. When hormones are in balance, the body feels satisfied. When your low carb drinks are prepared with natural, whole food ingredients, then you will gain the most benefit.

So, when you want to relieve stress, you can eat high carb foods like potatoes, pasta, breads and other starches, or you can reach for natural low carb foods in health drink formulas. Not only will your brain and nervous system enjoy the feeling of quick anxiety reduction, your body will naturally absorb complex carbohydrates that it can utilize for long lasting energy.

How some high carb foods perform as sedatives, according to experts, could be due to multifaceted biochemical reactions. One hypothesis is that carbs clear the way for the brain to obtain more tryptophan, an amino acid that gets converted into serotonin. Now, researchers are learning more about the power of serotonin to perform as a calming chemical in the brain and nervous system. That's why you hear about people with low serotonin levels developing greater stress. If you are eating unhealthy low carb foods on a recurring basis and feeling some tenseness this could be the source of the problem.

Regrettably, most imitation low carb foods are lacking in natural, complex carbohydrates or real nutrition. So, keep away from the fake foods that are low carb imitations of high carb foods, and live a happy, healthy life with a more natural diet.

Author Cliff Everett Smith is President of that specializes in natural low carb foods not sold in other stores. His natural weight loss plan is compelling and his research on these topics offers hope for those who have tried everything else.

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