Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Four Important Secrets for Becoming Effective in Spiritual Counseling

Maybe you're feeling drawn to the idea of serving others as a spiritual counselor and helping to change lives. The bottom line is that we are all on a path to wholeness and each individual is here to live fully and grow. When you realize how this occurs, you can show people how to make miracles happen in their daily lives.

When we are involved in life in such a way that we feel like we are helping to create a better world, it brings new meaning to life. We recognize our value and know that we can have a positive impact.

Why People Lose Their Sense of Purpose

Unfortunately, many men and women find themselves in predicaments where their zest for life and sense of purpose has become repressed. There are many reasons why this occurs. For example, we are conditioned from a young age to think that the opportunities available to us are somehow restricted. And if we begin to believe that we lack talent, beauty, power, or other characteristics that we view as being essential to our success, we begin to withdraw.

We are also conditioned from a young age to feel that our possibilities are limited. This puts a lid on our creativity and innate ability to spread our wings and fly. With four vital goals in mind, a spiritual counselor can be instrumental in breaking patterns of limitation and help people to fly.

Four Essential Keys for Becoming an Effective Spiritual Counselor

1. Value people as they are. When others feel complete acceptance when they are with you, you can create an authentic connection where magic can happen.

2. Bring out the greatness in everyone. Science has proved that we all have greatness within us, because the infinite intelligence of the universe, the source of all, exists equally in each one of us. As a spiritual counselor, you can help people to strip away childhood conditioning that has caused them to question their magnificence, so they can see their true potential.

3. Teach others how to release blocked emotions. Along with believing that they are deficient in some way, many people are also haunted by painful emotions like anger, fear, anxiety, and so on. These blocked emotions prevent them from feeling peace, acceptance, and a sense of balance within themselves and in their lives.

4. Enable others to open to higher realms of consciousness. The ultimate gift you can provide to another individual is helping them to access the truth and wisdom inside themselves. This is the infinite intelligence within them. When people begin to recognize their true identities and clear out the emotional baggage that's blocking them from feeling peace and tranquility, they can connect consciously with this infinite intelligence as a source of guidance and wisdom.

A New Consciousness is Emerging

An awesome sense of empowerment uncovers itself as people begin to recognize that they can feel secure and open to their true potential as magnificent spiritual beings. Not surprisingly, when we can be our best, expanding and evolving, we can also be of the most service in making a difference in the world.

This is the way we will ultimately solve the difficulties humanity faces today. Think for a moment of a world where love guides every human being and each individual's magnificence is valued and nurtured. You can participate in this transformation. As a spiritual counselor, you really can change the world.

Want to read more now?

If so, you may want to follow one of these links to learn about becoming a certified Spiritual Counselor or to explore a free course on Life Purpose.

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