Saturday, June 30, 2012

Suggestions About What To Do When My Ex Wants Me Back

Break-ups are hard to go through, but most people eventually get through it and move on. But some people are never quite able to get over the relationship and may want to rekindle it which leaves the other person wondering what to do, "When my ex wants me back". There are quite a few options for this type of situation and each person must consider the options carefully before making a final decision.

Some people may want to rekindle a relationship with an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend after a break-up. Sometimes they have broken-up because of circumstances and once they change, the old feelings of love can be rekindled. In these situations, getting back together might be the best thing for both parties.

At other times, a relationship might sour because of personality incompatibility. One person might find the other's loud and boisterous ways annoying and will want to part company. If this is what has happened, getting-back together should only be done after careful consideration. If the behavior and activities that broke the couple up hasn't been changed, then the division will likely happen again.

At other times, the relationship ended due to a bad decision. A relationship might be healthy overall, but ended due to a poor decision. If the person who was wronged can work through the hurt and find the ability to forgive, then the relationship might be worth salvaging.

Each relationship should be analyzed individually. Both parties should try to decide whether or not the relationship is healthy and mutually rewarding prior to rekindling it. Neither party should reenter the relationship because they feel guilty, harassed, coerced or black mailed.

Someone having to deal with the situation of "My ex wants me back" should look at all the situations and circumstances before figuring out what they want to do. Some of the relationships that broke-up because of a single mistake or due to circumstances may very well be worth salvaging, but if a relationship that broke-up because of a history of unacceptable, annoying or destructive acts might not be a good idea to rekindle. Everyone who should make their own decision after looking at all the circumstance about whether or not to get back together. This might help:

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