Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Body Language Attraction Matrix?

Are people walking around totally oblivious to a matrix of body language that only a few are aware of?

In this article I am going to bring to your attention and hidden secretive underworld of movement and posture and how nobody know how to use this knowledge to attract women.

Many times of sit with clients over a coffee in the park and point out the attraction matrix to them... their eyes open wide and they tell me they are forever changed after becoming aware of this body language matrix.

So Let`s Take A Look At This Secretive Body Language Attraction Matrix...

The exact second you begin to walk you are displaying your life story for everyone to see very much like the cover of a book.

Attraction Body Language

The first glance that people take of you will tell them about how comfortable you are in bed, whether you are confident or if you are happy or sad about your life.

Ask yourself this, when your with friends and you catch a glance of a woman out of the corner of your eye... how long is it before you know if you find her attractive... exactly... in an instant.

This may sound harsh but this is the reality.

As your walking, women are unconsciously scanning you for signs of strong sexuality and confidence, and it happens in an instance.

They cannot help themselves… they are pre-programmed to react this way..

When Body Language Attraction Works..

Evolutionary biology shows us that women are triggered into being attracted to a man by unconscious signals that a man is showing them.

They are looking for signals that show them you are a Protector... could you have looked after them 1000´s of years ago if they were in danger.

Are you a good Hunter… Can you provide for her in a harsh winter.

And if you are a good sexual partner… Are you fertile and do you have good genetics.

This body language attraction matrix is all hidden underneath the surface and it is not talked about but it is happened every second of the day.

The foundation point to remember with the body language matrix is that it takes place in our movements.

But it is fundamental to realise that you cannot change your movement by thinking about it.

Movement happens unconsciously, your body does not have to think about it. Therefore you have to change your movements unconsciously and that is why I developed my system for changing your body language unconsciously so that you trigger the attraction signals in a woman’s brain without ever having to think about it.

There are 5 key elements you need to work on to master the attraction only language matrix is… Body Language attraction key areas…

To Know More Go Here: body language Attraction

1 comment:

MarkH said...

I think I know Kung Fu ;)