Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Having Peace, Strength And Wisdom In Life

Have you ever heard about the serenity prayer? Are you aware of how this prayer can change the life of a person? Serenity prayer is for people who need peace, strength and wisdom in life. I have read a post that speaks about serenity prayer. It is about individuals who are into drugs and that they find it hard to change their lives. The author of this article named John-Ross Boyce mentioned, "There's an old prayer in rehabilitation centers to help bolster the downtrodden spirits of drug addicts and alcoholics. It goes, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." Addicts have these things called "triggers" situations or problems that drive them to consume unhealthy amounts of alcohol/crack/horse tranquilizers. The whole point of the Serenity Prayer is that the problems which plague you may have fix or not, but that does not matter. What really matters is your attitude when confronted with your daily demons."

If people needs strength to overpower the issues in life, they should pray Serenity Prayer. However, we have to carry out everything that people pray. This prayer teaches us to do something to fix our problems in life not just to wait for God for any answered prayer and just sit there and do nothing at all. Since we have our control on our own body, we have to have the will and courage to make our prayers answered. Just do not wait for God to inform you just what to do; take an action and have faith and trust in Him that He will lead you.

Sometimes people blame God if their prayers are not answered. But do you ever ask yourself if you did your very best for your prayers to come into reality? This content written by Boyce is all about his very own opinion that we have problems that may be easily fix; we simply need to put this into action. If someone is fat, and he or she would like to lose weight, he or she must do the best that he or she can to lose weight; exercise is the most effective solution for that. If a person is a chain smoker and he or she wants to avoid it, then he or she should have the courage to give up; that could be the only solution for that. If you aren't contented with your partner and you just think it is not working anymore, to end your relationship is a solution for that. If you think the examination is tough to pass, then you must study harder to get good grades.

Apart from those problems we could easily fix, there are also some problems that we can't solve right away. This is where Serenity prayer is helpful for you. You really are asking God to provide you with grace to simply accept with serenity the things which you cannot change, courage to change things that you ought to change and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths." Proverbs 3, 5-6

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