Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dating Advice For Women - Some Tips On How to Keep the Weirdos Away

Most women don't have much trouble in getting guys, it's getting familiar with the guys that you would like to be attracted to you that is probably causing you a great deal of frustration. How many times have you been out, hoping to end up with the right guy and end up only getting hit on by guys you don't want to date whatsoever? For most women, it happens way many times and it can sort of make you feel like you might want to just give up on the whole dating scene altogether. If you have liked what you have read by this author, then make sure you check the other additional topics by him which are aimed at helping the readers to obtain greater outcomes - Open Her Box. See to it that you invest some time reading and understanding these helpful articles as it's going to benefit you in a lot more than one way. Well, before you trade in your evening dress for those comfortable, frumpy pajamas, pay attention.

Here are 3 tips that you can use to help you attract the right guy:

1. If you want to attract the right guys, then you have to send the right vibe.

It’s likely, if you find yourself attracting most of the wrong kinds of males, then it has to do something with the vibe you are likely to be sending out. Radiate confidence, show that you are generally approachable and fun as well as friendly. And make it abundantly clear you really are a high value woman and you’ll instantly start to see a whole different kind of guys coming up to you. If you send out the wrong vibes, you will be getting the same thing over and over again.

2. You have to look in all the right places.

Mr. Right probably isn't scarfing down 25 cent wings and standing at the local dive, so don't even take up the task of going there. Figure out the type of man you really want to attract into your life and then find out where they hang out. There's a good chance that you are missing out on a boatload of successful, single guys that are exactly like the ones that you want to go out on a date... you must be looking in all the wrong places. For those who have liked this write-up then you are certain to take pleasure in the upcoming info also - The Tao of Badass.

3. Let your body language show you want to be approached.

Your body language says a whole lot about you, maybe a lot more than you even know, and in case it is not saying the right things, then how do you expect to have the right guy answer you? Of course, you don’t want to be too open, because then you can be right back at the dilemma of getting hit on by all of the wrong kinds of males. Let your body language show that you're approachable, just be sure that this also communicates that you have high standards.

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