Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spiritual Teachings In Your Life

Perhaps you have read the book "a course in miracles"? All people could receive valuable insights from this book as this is filled up with spiritual teachings for people. This book is helpful and powerful to every one of us. There is no author for this book however it originated from a woman named Helen Schucman. She believed that Jesus was actually talking to her thinking that she heard an inner voice within her. With the assistance of William Thetford, Helen wrote the content of this book. They made a decision to distribute A Course In Miracles (ACIM) across the world so that everyone may have opportunity to have spiritual transformation. This book contains practical lessons so that people will learn how to live with God. This really is one thing that every people should develop and understand.

There are a lot of people already who made ACIM as their inspiration to live their life. They live their lives based on the teachings in this book. Many of these people became spiritual teachers . Thus, they travel everywhere just to share about the valuable insights from ACIM. Gary Renard is one of those people. He's the best-selling author of The Disappearance Of The Universe and Your Immortal Reality. He's known to give spiritual teachings from ACIM. Thus, he is a spiritual speaker.

I must share to you about an inspirational passage from the course in miracles. Gary Renard was the one that quoted this in one of his interview with Shaman Elizabeth Herrera.

He quoted, "Trials are but lessons that you failed to learn presented once again, so where you made a faulty choice before you now can make a better one."

This means that, as being a person, we're given a great number of lessons in life over and over again. This is why we ask God sometimes why we go through life's problems that people thought it is very painful and tiring for our part already. The idea of this is that, we are given lessons so that we'll learn from our mistakes and we learn to forgive our very own self and others. By that time, we'll already know what is right and what is wrong.

As you have observed, ACIM teaches us practically. It offers so many valuable thoughts that people could apply in our life. It's with all the people, if how they believe that spiritual teachings can actually change our lives. ACIM did change the life of Renard. I believe ACIM may also change our lives into better. Someone whose life is full of love and peace and guidance from God.

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