Friday, February 3, 2012

Three Effortless Steps to Quit Negative Thoughts and Feel Profound Peacefulness

The truth is a recent report within the Irish Times that explains even during times of financial crisis in Ireland it really is still feasible to accentuate the positive:

In case you have a business plan, you're probably much more likely to get business angel funding than ever before - it is not like they are going to be investing in property.

And you also tell yourself, huh? Precisely how do I help to make that happen?

Well here is how it works:

To begin with, consider where you're at right now. You've automatic negative thoughts that always keep popping up and may possibly appear something like this: Your mind chatters away and you aren't able to study. You desire just one additional cigarette to unwind. Next that piece of dessert keeps gnawing on your mind till it chews you up, spits you out, and you give in. After that, you despise yourself for having failed.

Exactly where did all of that originate from anyway? Basically, the following are a couple of sources firstly:

Mom: "Turn off that Telly and go study!"

Dad: "I can not believe you wrecked the car! Where are my cigs? I have got to unwind."

Sis: "I can not stand all of this craziness around here," and she pulls out out a bag of snacks.

There are plenty of other similar influences, but your own home is good to start with. We're hard-wired via the environment we pop in to from the moment all of us pop out of mom and these experiences develop into programs that keep popping right into all of our minds.

Now think of this: If at this very second you were provided an option to start fresh in life with a clean slate and if this chance provided just two roles, slave or master, which one would you want? I will not guess the answer to that mainly because I am presuming you're in your right mind. You really don't have to be a slave to all those old thoughts that keep your mind spinning till you aren't able to think right. You can actually become the master of one's environment and make it all that you can be.

Abide by these 3 effortless steps (religiously) and you're going to attract an angel investor who is going to transform you into a gold mine:

1. Figure out the problem. When you notice yourself thinking all of these insane thoughts, just pay attention to what is going on inside of your mind. Just take a mental step back and watch and witness what is going on in your own mind. As you notice these thoughts, at the same time notice the physical sensations that accompany them. These feelings are elements of your thoughts. These feelings are the negative energy attached to all those thoughts. That's what you want to eradicate. That's what is preventing you from making use of ones own full potential that is the divine source of inspiration within you.

2. Recognize the person you truly are. This step has two components:

Who you're not: To begin with, you need to be really clear that the person who can't concentrate or who craves yet another cigarette or who engages in secret gluttony is not you. That's right. To start with you need to consciously think to your self: "This is just not me." All those actions, judgments, or desires aren't you! They are not who you're eternally. Eternally you're a spirit being who's good, great, and blissful. These thoughts are only reminiscences of experiences that you have had to which you're fettered via the negative energy that overcame you at the moment in time the recalled event occurred. All of these recollections have seized you and go on to enslave you in present time till you totally free your self from the shackles with which such gnawing recollections have imprisoned your limitless abilities. Your slavery emanates from the past. It emerged as an acquired thing that you picked up on your journey through life. You also have the strength to eliminate these shackles and set your self totally free forever starting in this present moment: Right NOW! The only time you're truly alive is this present moment. The rest is recollections inside the past or desires the future.

Who you are: You are not the body you acquired for the purpose of experiencing this life-time any more than you're your motor vehicle. As you're the automobile operator, so you're likewise the operator for this physical body. You are an infinite soul being, an immortal superhero with super powers that have been given to you as a gift at the time of one's birth by the Creator when you were made in her (or his) image. Therefore, just offer your mind to your higher power simply because every little thing you experience is ultimately inside your thoughts. It is a step of faith only till you experience the end result. Will this recipe make a delicious cake? You will in no way find out till you keep to the recipe, make the cake and see how it comes out. Then you'll know the recipe is good!

So, in this 2nd phase of knowing the person you actually are all you will need to do is really keep it simple. Any time you have one of one's negative thoughts (and you already know which ones they're so I don't have to identify them), just tell yourself: "I surrender it to you. God/ the Goddess/ the Creator of Heaven and Earth/ My Higher Power is great. Let it go, let it go, let it go." Insert this thought in to a pink bubble and just offer it up to the Universe. Look at it drift away and know that the Divine is taking it faraway from you. "I surrender it to you. God is great. Let it go, let it go, let it go." Know that the Divine is taking it away and absorbing it.

3. Actions speak louder than thoughts. To change cause and effect, you have to replace that cause which causes the negative effect with a cause that causes a positive effect. Negative action is bad karma, positive action is good karma, and no action is bad karma, the latter currently being the form of bad karma most suffered in the world today. Cause is action. So, you ask your self, should I surrender what I should not be performing, then what am I going to do instead?

Go somewhere else.
  • Practice meditation to quiet your mind.
  • Do some thing else.
  • Think a different thought.

The last suggestion is actually the most vital to begin with step. In fact it is actually the core practice necessary to alter your universe. Before we are able to become empowered with creative thoughts we never dreamed before, we must get through the maze and get the cheese. The cheese is unlimited possibilities. You have been equipped with the source by the source for volume producing this cheese since you were first created.

The Secret: Before you'll be able to produce inspiration, you need to discover the best way to become very, very quiet. You have to still your mind gently, peacefully, with emotions of love and thankfulness till the recollections are removed, one by one, and after that inside the stillness with the dark night you can see that tiny vibrant light as big as a mustard seed that gets brighter, and brighter, and brighter. As you develop a regular daily practice of meditating twice a day, you observe the quiet calmness that sets into your mind throughout the day, much like the calm before a storm. Yet, what happens is not a frightening storm but, rather, the glowing light of divine inspiration and your life all of a sudden transforms before your very eyes. You reflect on what is occuring in amazement and wonder. Yes, this really is the secret of life. This is the tremendous power that is concealed inside you which you can uncover and bring out to change your world plus the world around you in service to others as well as to your self.

You choose every single day regardless of whether you might be going to be the slave or you're going to become the master. Do something unique today, proper now. Break the habit. You have got the choice to create a divine way of being; a brand new choice you have never made before.

Just like your former reality created your present, your present reality will create your future; one that will be the very best ever automatically if you make your commitment right now, at this very second. As you are applying those three effortless steps as soon as circumstances show up, you get better and better at it. You get faster and faster at it and it becomes very easy fast. Before long, you will do it in seconds.

You are going to feel great about yourself.
You are going to have a lot more enjoyable relationships because you let the negative aspects go.
You come to be a master of your self as opposed to a slave to yourself.

So, go for it. It really is the real factor! Then pay it forward and share it. The world is actually changing through people such as you, so if you're unsatisfied with the world you are living in now, then change it - first inside and after that, thru sharing, with out.

Who knows? You may even draw in an angel investor who sees a gold mine in you.

Are you ready? Are you seriously willing to go somewhere else with your life; a place that you dreamed about but where you never dared go before? Are you prepared to feel different thoughts and experience the joy of spontaneous inspiration? Are you prepared to do some thing else together with your life other than what you can see around you right now? If you are, then at this very moment - the only moment you will be really, really alive - you must take action in. Click this weblink and it'll take you where you have been waiting to go all of your life: how to overcome negativity. Do it now or you'll never do it because tomorrow never comes. You can do it! I know you can and so do you.


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