Friday, February 3, 2012

Specialist Stuttering Courses Discussed In Full

Mum, I need to somehow find a way to eradicate this stutter from my life; it is starting to really get me down. The speech therapy that I have been attending for the last thirteen years is just not working. Is there any chance that you can try to find some other form of therapy for me? Is there any specialist stuttering therapy course out there which could help me to achieve fluency?

What you have read above was part of a conversation that I had with my mother when I was aged 18. As you can no doubt tell I had had enough of living life with this most frustrating of speech impediments and was desperate to find a solution. My parents were superb and searched high and low for a suitable stuttering treatment program but unfortunately they could not find the answers that we were all looking for. This was fully seventeen years ago, before the birth of the internet and I am happy to report that the treatments for stuttering have improved a great deal since then.

There are now numerous forms of stuttering treatment available some of which are specialist. A very recent report highlighted that the most popular of these options and also the most beneficial is the one-to-one stuttering treatment course, a course which is run by a former stutterer.

The report also suggested that there is an ever increasing demand for a home-based stuttering therapy program; or what is commonly referred to as a self-help stuttering therapy program. These are where people learn the stuttering cure techniques by watching a DVD, or by listening to an audio book or by reading an e-book.

With the home based/self-help therapy products there is often an ongoing support service which enables people to interact with the stuttering specialist to ensure maximum results (fluency). It has to be said that this form of continued support is priceless and more often than not should be available free from charge. Where such a back up service is not on offer then my advice would be to leave it and to find a therapy that does.

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