Sunday, December 18, 2011

Impotency: The Dreaded Sexual Dysfunction Condition

Many people believe that impotency must mean there's something wrong psychologically, yet in reality most cases of erection dysfunction are physical in nature and can be cured. Even today, intimate impotency is perhaps the most poorly understood and mismanaged of all medical disorders. There are two primary factors that could contribute to this poor track record.

1. Ignorance, myths, superstition, guilt and the stigma and taboo attached to anything intimate in the minds of the people.

2. Sexual ignorance and a belief in the myth that erection dysfunction is related to psychological issues.

These two issues are the underlying reason why so many cases of impotency remain poorly managed, if they're discussed at all. In light of these issues, it should come as no surprise that so many people believe impotency can't be cured. This belief is a shame, as the vast majority of erection dysfunction cases are not caused by psychological factors and they are able to be corrected. Andrologists are very aware that impotency, or erection dysfunction, has long been a very common problem. It's believed that as many as 10 percent of men suffer from the affliction. Yet in men older than 40, up to 52% of males are afflicted. Even with such a high incidence of the issue, very few men will seek treatment. Presently there is no need to be anxious.Just look at look at Erectile dysfunction clinic.

Contrary to popular belief, impotency is almost never an 'all or none' phenomenon. Most laymen (and several doctors) believe that a man can either have an erection of very good quality or none at all. This belief is completely false. Most men with erection dysfunction have normal desire and can obtain an erection, only the erection is not hard enough or doesn't last long enough. Hence the term erection dysfunction (which suggests partial loss) is preferred to impotency (which suggests a total loss). People continue to believe that the problem is a psychological issue rather than a physical problem. .

Fortunately that common belief is slowly turning around. Andrological research has advanced in recent years to conclusively realize that between 80 and 90 percent of men suffering from chronic impotency are afflicted from a problem within the body and not within the mind. The actual physical problem is diagnosed using andrological investigation and then treated without the need to use any psychological methods.Have you ever used Viagra from National Health Service centers in UK

In this day and age, when so many medical advances occur on a regular basis, it is unusual that research into male intimate problems remains so far behind. For example, female reproductive problems are the focus of highly specialized medical fields such as obstetics and gynecology and have been around for a long time. In fact, so advanced is the understanding of the subject that today, in most countries, gynecologists restrict themselves to sub-specialty areas within their subject such as gynecological oncology, high-risk pregnancies, female infertility etc. because it is so difficult to keep pace with all the developments in the subject. The delay in progress for the male area of this medical subject could be interesting to ponder.

There are two primary reasons: The first of these is male chauvinism. Almost every society on earth has become patriarchal and dominated by men. Men's egos would not let them admit that there could be something wrong with their 'jewels of manhood'. Oddly, men are responsible for the advances in medical research surrounding the female reproductive system and development of the gynecology and obstetrics fields. But they refused to look into themselves.

The secondary reason could be a misunderstanding of the lessons learnedy by Sigmund Freud. These teachings may be responsible for so many men believing that erection dysfunction is based on a problem within the mind. Traditional branches of medicine stem from biological roots, where research is conducted into learning about the anatomy and physiology and then going on to learn how to remedy the various things that can go wrong, yet with male reproductive problems, medicine seems to have turned to psychology instead, which has been detrimental to development.

Logically, people know that there is a complex series of neuromuscular actions needed to raise a finger, but they aren't aware that the same level of complex neuromuscular actions are also required to lift a male reproductive organ. Most people simply believe that a men needs only to think a few naughty thoughts in order to get the latter to occur. So what is the primary cause of erection dysfunction? Despite the fact that men ranging in age from 13 to 90 can be affected by impotency and there have been numerous associations made to the affliction, the underlying mechanisms that cause impotency are relatively few. Each of the linked causes for impotency can be easily identified since the recent advances in adrological investigative procedures.

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