Monday, December 5, 2011

The Facts About Exactly Why You Still Smoke

Your dependence on nicotine may not be what's making giving up smoking so difficult for you personally in spite of how you feel. It might possibly be part of it, but it's not actually what's preventing you from quitting smoking. What actually prevents you from finally quitting is fear. Not the kind of fear that you will somehow get harmed but the fear that you won't be able to cope with life without your cigarettes.

When you find yourself seeking a way to quit smoking, first you come upon all the patches, pills and gums promising they are really the solution to your cigarette smoking addiction, the best way to give up smoking. The thing they forget to tell you is that they have absolutely nothing to provide in the form of any sort of help with your subconscious dependence on cigarette smoking.

Virtually all of the smoking products available to you will be unsuccessful at this stage. Taking care of your nicotine dependence is the easy part, but that is where the well known stop smoking aids function. Patches and nicotine gums slowly and gradually wean you from the stuff. Drugs which are actually re-named anti-depressants are supposed to help you stay calm when you undergo withdrawal. What happens with most stop smoking products is that they are actually merely crutches until eventually you can get off from the nicotine. And that's where the complications really start.

Sooner or later you are going to have to simply get back to your normal lifestyle, only now do it without cigarettes. This is the point where most individuals start smoking cigarettes once more. While they were actively making the effort to stop they were also actively swapping out their smokes with some kind of alternative. Now that their particular cigarette smoking alternative is removed exactly what are they really going to do now? Virtually all they may have at hand is their cigarettes.

You will discover that you are a lot more emotionally addicted to smoking cigarettes than you are psychologically addicted, a fact that is not addressed by most of the stop smoking products out there. You have got to modify your thought processes if you really want to give up smoking. Some people get lucky and manage to rethink their lifestyle without cigarettes whilst they're on the patch, gum or pills, but most go back to smoking cigarettes again.

What they needed to do was to learn how to stop utilizing smoking cigarettes as a problem management instrument. They need to rethink their every day behavior without their cigarettes. They have to be able to enjoy a beer without the need for smoking cigarettes. In essence, the way to not be afraid of being non smoking. Patches and pills will likely not modify your thought process.

And that's in fact how some people are able to quit cold turkey: by forcing themselves by means of pure self-discipline to change how they look at life and smoking cigarettes. It's not always about self-discipline to not light up; it is really about the will to carry on with the daily life with no smoking cigarettes.

That's the real reason that it's hard to give up cigarettes. For more answers about how you can actually really give up cigarettes now watch this video footage: Way To Quit Smoking.

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