Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How To Get Your Ex Back When They Dumped You

Once you've been dumped by an ex that you're still in love with then your main goal is usually to find out how to get your ex back who has broken your heart. Fact is that we are clueless about the best ways to approach this situation, we have been taught all the wrong things from the movies and everything that we do ends up backfiring in our faces.

Your opening move to win back an ex, should always be to approach the mission in a calm and relaxed manner. It is essential that your behaviour does not come across as desperate or high maintenance, there is nothing that will repulse your ex more and make them lose respect for you.

You might be wondering how you do this as every feeling in your body fights against being calm. Well the best thing that you can do is to take yourself away from the situation entirely so that you have time to think clearly. The unfortunate thing is that people think that if they leave it too long, their ex will end up forgetting about them, there is no rush here, in fact waiting a little time has its benefits as you will soon learn.

During this time it is important that you spend some time on yourself and do things that will improve your mood, indulge a little, you deserve it. So make sure that you're not spending too much time on your own and that you're instead out with friends and having some fun. Truly this is possibly the last thing you want to do, but you'd be amazed how much of a difference this one step can make to your prospects of getting back with the one you love.

For the same reason looking after your body is key. When you take the time to do some regular exercise and eat well, you begin to feel focused, less confused and defeatist about what you're going through. You don't have to join a gym if that's not your thing. All that you have to do is work out what works best for you and give it a go. It could be as simple as a regular walk or joining a sports team or simply a regular kick around with the kids. Anything that gets you up on your feet and has the blood pumping.

Taking care of your diet also plays a huge part. Don't fall into the obvious trap of over indulging where food and drink are concerned. It might make you feel consoled initially but eventually it will ruin any chance you might have to win back an ex. So eat well and drink in moderation.

Take all of these tips into consideration before you act and you will have an excellent chance to win love back.

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