Friday, January 3, 2014

How Being Overweight Can Cause Loss of Career Advancement Chances

Obesity is among the most widespread issues that has been affecting countless individuals in America at present. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that progressively more people are seriously affected with obesity, pointing out that one-third of adult Americans are identified as having the illness. Obesity has been demonstrated to cause a range of medical challenges to those who are clinically diagnosed with the disease. Aside from that, there is a significant probability that they will suffer from discrimination in work due to their bodily appearance. There have been studies that found a persistent presence of bias based on weight in the work scene. Because of this disparity, chances of career advancement or job promotions can be hindered for overweight people who accomplish their work thoroughly.

In nearly all aspects of the work environment, there is a continuing discrimination against people with evident weight problems. It had been revealed in previous studies that when women put on additional weight, their wages dropped. In addition to this, a health journal published data showing how obesity tends to cause a drop in an employee's yearly income. What this signifies is that employers' level of confidence in obese employees is extremely minimal. The basic explanation for this is that obesity costs private firms billions of dollars in terms of medical costs as well as other expenditure associated with absences and inefficiency brought about by the illness. This is why there is an urgent need to address obesity as it impacts several aspects that result to a less than satisfactory existence.

Managing excessive weight

Given the adverse effects of obesity, ranging from health issues to lost job growth opportunities, it would be a sensible move to begin implementing measures that aim to resolve the problem of excessive weight. In general, embarking on an endeavor to change for the better can start in different ways. The process involves basically two things: improving the diet and leading a more active lifestyle. Adherence to these two vital elements results to the accomplishment of weight loss goals and improved chances in life.

To begin with, obesity has different types. Before embarking on any weight loss strategy, it would be judicious for an obese individual to find out if he is suffering from overweight issues or if he has severe obesity. For those who have severe obesity, changing lifestyles is easier said than done. Also, compared with overweight individuals, obese people have different requirements, from caloric intake to the right types of workouts. Thus, a step-by-step process should be taken when commencing a weight management plan.

Beginning the weight loss task

1. Seek professional advice and supervision.

Usually, people with severe cases of obesity will need to undergo professional consultation and subsequently medical guidance during the initial phase of their weight loss program. Obesity is linked to a host of critical medical ailments, so medical supervision is often a necessity. With the help of a professional, obese individuals are able to get the right advice regarding diet plan changes and suitable exercises, which must be focused on their particular needs.

2. Sign up for a membership with a support group.

An obese individual often feels like an outcast and thinks he is alone in his suffering. In order for him to feel confident that he can resolve the obesity issues, he needs to constantly be with people who understand what he is going through and continuously provide him with support and encouragement.

3. Incorporate as much movement as possible.
For the overly obese people, doing any activity or any simple movement may not come easily due to the physical and emotional challenges involved. A way to deal with this is by making a commitment to be as active as possible. Instead of using the remote control, walking across the room and changing the channel manually would be more beneficial.

4. Improve weight loss results with the right supplement.

Since shedding pounds typically involves a gradual process, many people take dietary supplements that help to enhance weight loss results. Natural supplements come in a range of types and brands, so picking out the best one can be perplexing. However, many industry experts say that the best supplements are made from natural components, such as Green Coffee Extract with GCA, which has been proven to be effective in helping the body to lose weight by regulating the appetite. Taking Green Coffee Extract GCA by themselves cannot get rid of fat and pounds, it can with certainty speed up the fat burning and weightloss when utilized with healthful nutrition and exercise.

Since weight struggles cannot be remedied in an instant, the ideal thing for overweight and obese individuals to try to do would be to build their belief in their qualities. To be specific, this is a crucial move for those who have impressive abilities as employees and have good opportunities for career growth. According to some specialists in the industry, it may be practical for a skilled but obese person to be frank about his weight issue with his employer. Although this is not a simple task, this will give obese people an opportunity to display assurance and ease the worries of their boss. It is also an outstanding opportunity for employees to update the boss of any optimistic steps they are taking to address their weight problems. Doing these gives obese people better prospects at landing the promotion they are deserving of.

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