Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Career Progress And State Of Health Go Together

In this day and age, body weight and a person's total state of health usually have plenty to do with accomplishments in work and career growth. While it may not immediately be noticeable, there have been earlier studies that showed the truthfulness of this assertion. Typically, excessive weight is considered as a main disadvantage in terms of cosmetic and health circumstances. However, with the way that obesity has become a national crisis that has affected millions, businesses are now also coping with the issue with more strictness, particularly when it comes to promotions and career advancement.

In a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 2010, overweight women were compared with thin, average women in terms of earning potential. It was found that the latter group had better prospects. It was also unveiled in other studies that overweight women are hardly given a chance at promotions and are also a target for discrimination in many workplaces. Furthermore, there are previous reports that disclosed there are organizations that sidestep overweight people when giving out promotions for top-level posts. In addition, it was disclosed in a 2012 study by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that 95 percent of survey respondents think that excessive weight is a cause for prejudice and bias in the workplace.

Why weight affects career advancement
At the outset, making body weight a critical factor in job advancement seems superficial and discriminatory. Nevertheless, people who are physically healthy and make the effort to maintain their well-being are seen as focused and determined. With many companies, if an employee is disciplined and industrious enough to take care of his health, then it signifies that he can be trusted with important company obligations. Thus, it is not a rare occurrence to learn about companies where there are obese superiors who are unable to gain complete confidence from their subordinates. The understanding is that if these higher-ups are unable to care for their own health, they would be less meticulous about their corporate responsibilities.

Due to this manner of thinking, it has become acceptable for organizations to be more confident in their employees who they see as dependable owing to the commitment to their health. Occasionally, some companies may see qualifications as having lower priority compared with overall health. If he is suffering from obesity, he is likely to cause considerable amounts of company money due to chronic weight-related health conditions and medical costs. What makes it worse is it all amounts to lost productivity, which according to a Gallup survey cost businesses $153 billion annually.

Addressing weight problems for better job advancement prospects
Regulating weight and maintaining good health is the most practical solution that can be taken by employees are qualified yet are physically unfit. With more and more companies making good health a factor for career advancement, capable but overweight employees must start taking steps to improve their health and boost their career opportunities. Even though there exists no quick fix to obesity, there are a number of ways to adopt to gradually improve the disorder.

First, obese men and women need to keep an eye on their meals. In lieu of careless eating, they should rapidly shift to mindful intake of foods that are essential for the proper nutrition of the body, and likewise engage in active hobbies and interests. These three methods are important to the health of an overweight person and can help to improve his quality of life. Moreover, supplementing nutritious meals and regular workouts with Saffron appetite suppressant makes the weight loss technique more productive. This is because this natural supplement helps the body in achieving results from a weight loss solution by managing appetite and reducing hunger cravings. When people diagnosed with obesity take the first few ways toward a balanced life, they do not only enhance their chances of achieving career growth. They also make themselves more effective persons. To get the best results, dieters should experiment with diet supplements like Pure Saffron with Satiereal 88.25mg and support them with healthy food intake and physical exercise.

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