Thursday, January 16, 2014

Health And Its Effect On Career Growth

During the the past few years, increasing relevance has been placed on the well being of employees before they are evaluated for prospective job advancement. Not all individuals may understand it right away, nonetheless, studies conducted before reported that this is currently happening in the corporate field. Being overweight is often considered as a downside in terms of cosmetic and health aspects. But as weight problems are affecting nearly every area in life, organizations are now also handling the issue in a more stringent manner, especially in terms of job growth.

It was revealed in a 2010 study in the Journal of Applied Psychology that women who were obese or overweight had poorer earning opportunities when compared with women who were thinner. There have also been several research that revealed how employers choose to promote healthier women rather than those who have weight problems and how obese women are often the subject of discrimination in workplaces. There has also been research that showed employees with extra weight tend to be hindered from being promoted to top levels of management. Besides these, a 2012 survey by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research unveiled that 95 percent of Americans think that workplace discrimination will be a result of obesity.

Why weight problems hinder career advancement
To begin with, the notion that weight is viewed as a chief contributor to an employee's potential career advancement can seem bigoted and superficial. Even so, it is important to take note of the fact that an employee who is in excellent physical shape is regarded as a diligent and committed person. These are among the reasons why there are companies that consider the health of an employee before delegating important tasks. Thus, it is not a rare occurrence to learn about companies where there are obese superiors who are unable to gain complete confidence from their subordinates. The understanding is that if these higher-ups are unable to care for their own health, they would be less meticulous about their corporate responsibilities.

Due to this manner of thinking, it has become acceptable for organizations to be more confident in their employees who they see as dependable owing to the commitment to their health. In some cases, qualifications are not as important as overall health when reviewing employee appointment or promotion. If obesity is an apparent problem, the company will view it as an unnecessary expense and one that can amount to a substantial sum owing to the complications that the disease can lead to. What worsens all these is the fact that all these can result to productivity loss, which can be a significant amount for a company. According to a Gallup survey, lost productivity costs companies $153 billion yearly.

Addressing weight problems for better job advancement prospects
Dropping the excess pounds and maintaining the recommended weight is a realistic way of dealing with obesity to improve the odds of getting a well-deserved promotion. With more and more companies making good health a factor for career advancement, capable but overweight employees must start taking steps to improve their health and boost their career opportunities. Despite the fact that obesity has no known fast solution, there are several steps to take to make to slowly improve the situation.

First of all, individuals with weight difficulties must monitor what they consume. In lieu of thoughtless eating, they should rapidly shift to careful intake of foods that are essential for the proper nourishment of the body, and likewise engage in active hobbies and interests. These three methods are beneficial to the health of an overweight person and can help to improve his quality of life. Other than these, boosting the efficacy of taking well-balanced meals and participating in regular exercises is also doable with Pure Saffron with Satiereal 88.25mg. This supplement is made from organic components that effectively manage weight gain by battling the production of fat in the body. By properly handling weight problems, people impacted with obesity have better chances of improving their career outlook and in the end the quality of their life. To get the best results, individuals should experiment with diet supplements like Saffron Extract with Satiereal 88.25mg and augment them with healthy nutrition and physical exercise.

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