Sunday, September 18, 2011

How To Work With Emotional Healing

I believe we've got an emotional wellspring within us, that provides us life plus permits us to be powerful and produce everything we desire in this world. It is a flow of energy which bubbles up within us. Out of this flow we also create our thoughts and our feelings.

Everybody's got this flow, I feel. I have already been studying and learning about this for about ten years now, and I can tell I still have so much yet to learn. For example, despite the fact that we can make anything we want, we don't often if ever do. Precisely why is that?

I've found most of us put filters within this flow and the filters are usually what limit us and may in fact put us in pain in a wide variety of ways. Emotional healing, to me, is studying all you can about this flow, and making use of it as it's intended to be used. It is under no circumstances too late to get started on healing.

I've found that I'm the only one who actually places limitations on me. It's amusing, that I used to blame my mother and father for my own challenges. When an issue would pop up which revealed my limitations, I would often blame my mother or father. It took me many years to accept accountability for my life.

And the really bizarre thing is, when I took responsibility, so much altered in my life. I felt a whole lot better. A huge weight was removed from my shoulders. That is definitely exactly what responsibility is capable of doing for you as well.

And that's merely one little aspect of emotional healing. See, blame is one of the largest obstructions to healing our feelings. Due to the fact if somebody else generated my difficulties, then they will be the only ones who are able to mend me. But that's an impossible situation!

I have to own some thing if I wish to change it. If I own that I am the one making me a awful disaster, then that means I can change it around. And that is a very liberating recognition.

We could live our life in agony, or we can wind up being happy. Or anything in the middle. However so many humans have forgotten about this. Daily life becomes quite serious, and then virtually a challenge purely to endure and get by. Who really feels safe anymore?

With so much chaos, so much pain, and so much fear in the world, many individuals are hunting for answers. Well, I've got one. Open up your heart and feel all your feelings. Make your heart like some sort of vacuum cleaner, and then let it suck up all the pain and fear and everything else you're dealing with.

In the future, the answers and anchors we have relied on will be not there for us. They were never really there to begin with. But now, it truly is getting to be painfully obvious. It's time to discover ways to heal your feelings. It's no longer an option. It is really turning out to be essential. Not to mention the ironic thing is, it's too easy. Merely let your heart do its job! And quit trying to control the situation.

However the final thing in the world most people might like to do is to let go of control. And in fact, we have been often told that we should be in control. Otherwise, bad things will happen. Just what all those bad things are, specifically, has never been actually spelled out. For some reason, however, it will likely be bad.

Well, my own belief is control is not the method to use. Which is due to the fact control is stagnant and stifling and limiting. It's the complete reverse of consciously creating your own reality. Whenever you attempt to control some thing, it is not unlike trying to put in a new ingredient in the banana cake you just cooked.

It is too late because it's already been cooked. The way to transform the situation is with the cooking. Focus on the process, rather than the end result. It's the same way with emotional healing. Work to heal your feelings, rather than attempting to manipulate the feelings once they have already popped up. Because at this juncture, the only thing you can do is feel them. Which might be the greatest key to emotional healing.

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