Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dealing With Anxiety - Transforming To A Life Set Free

Are you frequently anxious and uneasy as well as dealing with anxiety looks like it's a continuing companion? Sometimes anxiety or just being anxious is self activated but outside situations typically bring about our anxiety.

Anxiety features a few physical indicators. My warning sign is my shoulders, they become tense and incredibly tight. During lengthier periods of anxiety they will hurt also it can be difficult to turn my head as well as touch my shoulders. The knots that will form within my shoulders are very hard almost like a rock plus they hurt. A deep massage in which the person applies huge pressure may alleviate the hurt for a period of time.

Other physical signs might be tenseness of the muscles, the pounding of the heart or simply a speedier heartbeat, rise in blood pressure, sweating, lack of focus, not able to get to sleep in the evening, day restlessness where you just cannot relax.

The knots in my shoulders that use to form when I was anxious haven't been around for a long time. People state becoming anxious is always about future situations that we believe are going to happen. We look to the future and we anticipate the outcome. isn’t that a little like playing God. I could have lost my employment and my way of providing with regard to my family. Certainly good reasons to make an individual anxious.

Several years a go I went to visit a relative that had lost his job, thought he had a new one, and just learned it fallen through. He was married and had little financial savings so the financial element was significant.

I traveled to visit him to provide support but do you know what happened? He encouraged me with his not boastful statement he has been relying in God. He was very calm and positively was not anxious as much as I was able to tell. You know what occurred in several weeks. The job that fell through reappeared and he ended up being employed. Today he is enjoying his career and has been rather successful.

Me and my shoulder knots, they are not around very often. My answer is likewise found in God. Today when an unexpected situation enters my life I enjoy stop and praise Him for I know He's about to teach me as well as grow me for something down the road. He promises us an abundant life as well as He tells us not to ever be anxious so I am simply just taking the One who made me at His word.

To learn more about Dealing With Anxiety

To watch a video click on: Dealing With Anxiety

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