Sunday, September 11, 2011

Depression Help Can Be Yours Today

When it comes to depression help, you have a few conventional options. You might take depression medications. Or you can engage in some sort of therapy; and try to talk your way out of your depression. Or you might even consider buying one of the numerous products offered online that claim to fix your problem.

Problem is, they just don't deal with the true reason for your depression. See, depression is basically brought on by shutting down your feelings. Depression is the state you find yourself in once you've closed down enough of your feelings that there's nothing left except to feel pain.

The basic problem is that we've been taught practically from birth that feelings are no good. With no value. Feelings are bad and wrong and you shouldn't even have them.

Therefore, we learn early on to stuff down our emotions. You repress them and suppress them and depress them; whatever it takes. You figure out how to control and manage your feelings.

Just so you get to not feel your feelings. But you also block your power and your aliveness when you don't feel your feelings. Your actual vitality itself is intimately connected to your emotions. Emotions are life. And it deadens you when you shut them down.

And then you reach a tipping point where you fall off the cliff and down into an ugly dark pit of depression. And then you're truly in need of some depression help. Your life gets scary and hopeless and you have no reason to live. Because your very source of aliveness has been swept away.

That is the dilemma. Depression is a deadening feeling of darkness and despair since you blocked your feelings. That's what a lack of feelings feels like.

Some will object, and proclaim they do feel their feelings. They feel them all the time. And they hurt something awful. That's why I try not to feel them. Which I believe is the whole problem.

First you close down your emotions just a little, but it does not help. So you close them down some more. And when that doesn't help, you shut them down even more still. This can go on until you fall off a cliff.

The answer to all this is to get some clarity of the situation. Even if you may think it's your emotions that are causing the problem, I'm saying it's the exact opposite. Depression results from shutting down your emotions. Period. It can be no other way.

If you can just be willing to start feeling all your feelings, even the awful darkness and despair, then you can start turning things around. This isn't the complete answer, obviously, but it is a necessary first step. What's important to understand here is that you can flip this around. You really don't have to stay stuck in depression.

You've got a powerful self correcting mechanism within you right now, and if you will just turn to it, you can begin healing. And it won't take drugs or talk therapy, either.

It's just a function of you working with yourself to heal your depression. To find out more simply go to this page on depression help.

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