Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Emotional Healing Is More And More Important

I believe we've got an emotional wellspring deep inside us, that gives us life and also permits us to be powerful and build what we desire in this world. It's a flow of energy which bubbles up inside of us. Out of this flow we also make our feeling and our thoughts.

Everybody's got this flow, I think. I've been learning about and studying the idea for around ten years now, and I can tell I have a whole lot yet to understand. Such as, even though we could make whatever we wish, we don't often if ever do. Exactly why is that?

I have discovered we place filters on this flow and these filters are exactly what limit us and may in fact put us in distress in so many different ways. Emotional healing, in my experience, is understanding as much as you can concerning this flow, and utilizing it as it's supposed to be used. It's never too late to get started on healing.

I have discovered that I am the only one that sets restrictions on me. It's funny, that I used to blame my own mom and dad for my own troubles. Anytime something would come up which exposed my limitations, I'd normally blame my father or mother. It took me a long time to simply accept responsibility for my life.

Plus the really crazy thing is, as I accepted responsibility, a whole lot altered in my life. I felt so much better. A massive weight was lifted from my shoulders. That's exactly what responsibility is capable of doing in your case as well.

And that's only one little aspect of emotional healing. Understand, blame is among the biggest hinderances to healing our emotional baggage. Due to the fact if someone else generated my problems, then they will be the only ones who can mend me. But that's an impossible situation!

I need to own some thing should I wish to change it. When I acknowledge the fact that I am the one making me a hopeless disappointment, then that means I'm able to switch it around. And that's a very liberating understanding.

We are able to live our life in distress, or we can be happy. Or even nearly anything in between. However far too many humans have forgotten this. Living becomes very serious, and nearly a struggle just to survive and get by. Who really feels safe anymore?

With so much pain, so much fear, so much chaos on this planet, more and more people are looking for answers. Hey, I've got one. Open up your heart and feel all your feelings. Pretend your heart is like a vacuum cleaner, and allow it to suck up all the fear and pain as well as everything else you might be feeling.

In the future, the anchors and answers we have counted on are going to be letting us down. They were never really there to begin with. But these days, it's turning out to be shateringly apparent. You need to find out how to repair your emotions. It's no longer an option. It truly is becoming necessary. Not to mention the sad thing is, it's all too easy. Merely allow your heart to do its job! And quit attempting to manipulate the situation.

However the last thing on this planet the majority of people want to do is to let go of control. Plus we have been always told that we need to be in control. Or else, awful things will happen. Just what those awful things are, specifically, is not quite spelled out. In some manner, though, it will be awful.

However, my own belief is that control isn't the strategy to use. That's mainly because control is stifling and limiting and stagnant. It's the complete reverse of consciously creating your own reality. When you try to control some thing, it's not unlike attempting to put in a new ingredient in the banana cake you just cooked.

It's too late as it's already been created. The strategy to improve the situation is with the cooking. Focus on the process itself, not with the final result. It really is the same with emotional healing. Work on healing your emotions, as opposed to attempting to control the emotions once they've already surfaced. Mainly because at that time, all you can do is simply feel them. And that might be the greatest key to emotional healing.

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